Stephen King: "Der dunkle Turm"

Jan 30, 2012 00:02

Eines vorneweg:
Dies ist keine richtige Rezension zu der Reihe, zumindest war es nicht meine Intention, eine zu schreiben. Es ist vielmehr ein ich-habe-gerade-den-letzten-Band-gelesen-und-MUSS-einfach-noch-mal-was-dazu-sagen-Eintrag.

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rezension, blah, bücher

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Comments 9

caliena January 29 2012, 23:42:37 UTC
Ah, wir stehen tatsächlich sehr auf einer Wellenlänge, für mich gings ab Band 5 leider auch bergab.
Ich musste sagen, ich fand es jedoch faszinierend, wie viele seiner anderen Werke King in diese Bücher verwoben hat.
Ständig hatte ich einen AHA! Moment und wusste, woher ich Szenarien und Charaktere kannte, und das fand ich super.
Auf Band 8 bin ich gespannt - werde aber die Reihe wohl vorher noch mal lesen müssen.

Danke für den Eintrag, hast vieles gesagt, was ich mir auch so gedacht habe ;)


morweneledhwen January 29 2012, 23:59:51 UTC
Gut zu wissen. xD
Ich finde, man merkt auch total den Einbruch. Auf einmal wurde alles einfach irgendwie... chaotisch. .__.

Wegen der Crossover mit seinen anderen Werken habe ich zwischendurch auch "The Stand" gelesen, weil ich irgendwo gelesen hatte, dass Randall Flagg wohl eine größere Bedeutung in der Saga spielen sollte, und da wollte ich natürlich vorher wissen, wer das überhaupt ist. ^^
Auch wenn er dann am Ende so sang- und klanglos von der Bühne gegangen ist... .__.

Gerne doch. :)
Und viel Spaß beim (Wieder-) Lesen... da hast du dir ja was vorgenommen. xD


caliena January 30 2012, 00:16:47 UTC
Insomnia und Salem spielen ne wichtige Rolle in der Saga :)
an die musste ich meistens denken :D

Ja, danke, mal schaun wann ich anfange ;D


morweneledhwen January 30 2012, 07:58:15 UTC
Die kenne ich leider beide nicht. Dx
Aber zumindest der Inhalt von Salem wurde ja ausführlich wiedergegeben. ^^


ladymusashi January 30 2012, 01:54:59 UTC
Obviously, I have no idea what you actually wrote, except that it's about Stephen King's Dark Tower, which I recently finished, loved and I'm still thinking about. ^^ Roland is a remarkable character. I'm looking forward to the new addition to the series which will be out in April.


morweneledhwen January 30 2012, 08:12:30 UTC
Ah, yes, sorry about the usual problem. xD
I just couldn't write about this series in English this time (and if I had tried, it would have taken me ages). .__.

I just finished reading the books myself only a few days ago and was talking about the characters (which I really loved, well, at least most of them, especially Roland and his friends) and how much I liked the world their story was placed in.

What I absolutely didn't like, though, was most of the story in the last three books. .__ ( ... )


ladymusashi January 30 2012, 18:57:35 UTC
I actually didn't mind Stephen King as a character. It's always interesting to see how authors see themselves, even imaginary themselves of the past. I cried my eyes out when the characters died, Jake especially. I think it was admirable how King managed to manage the story that complex and written almost 20 years. As for Jericho Hill... yeah, that sucked, but considering that King seems obsessed with the story, it is not given that we will never see what happened.

I'm ashamed to say, but Dark Tower books were the first King's stories I've read (I'm not counting It that I've skimmed through during one summer vacation) and, in a way, they were perfect for my fantasy fan self. XD Now, I'm planning to, at least, read The Stand and Salem's Lot since they are connected to this series. And, of course, The Wind Through the Keyhole. :)


morweneledhwen January 30 2012, 23:02:23 UTC
His first appearance in the books didn't annoy me very much either, but when he kept returning, it really started getting on my nerves. His role in the story was just too... mary sueish, and I can't stand sues. *coughs*

Oh my god, yes, Jake's death really hit me, too. .__.
As if his first 'death' hadn't been horrible enough...
And Oy's death was tragic, too. I liked that little guy so much. <3 ( ... )


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