Oh, fandom!

Feb 24, 2009 12:32

It's one of those days. You know, the ones on which you feel that certain segments of fandom - whether or not they ship as you do (the real divide as I see it is not between different ships, but between the overly invested and those who keep a sense of proportion/humor) - need a good smack upside the head with the mighty cluestick of "YOU ARE NOT ( Read more... )

tv is very serious business, fandom

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Comments 12

meganbmoore February 24 2009, 18:39:09 UTC
You can easily replace "ship" with "chracter" there.


morwen_peredhil February 24 2009, 18:46:07 UTC
Yes indeed. A very large proportion of character hate is related to shipping, but not all of it. This rant was specifically set off by shipwar hypocrisy, though.


meganbmoore February 24 2009, 19:00:17 UTC
What shipwar where? *nosy*


hercircumstance February 24 2009, 19:47:18 UTC
Yeah. I am thinking of the "Dean gets more stories/screen time than Sam" brigade in SPN fandom. You'd think they'd have enough to worry about with the fandom hating women on the show and the bromance issue, but now it is down to counting scenes for each character and sending hate mail to the writers. Woo!


lyssie February 25 2009, 01:32:09 UTC
I love the irony of using an SG icon to mock shipwars. (Though I truly do not miss the days of "Daniel is whiny and annoying and gets in the way of Sam/Jack he must die" vs. "Sam is an evil, stalkery whore" + "Jonas sucks, kill him")

However, yes.


morwen_peredhil February 25 2009, 01:48:32 UTC
It was not an unintentional choice, although thankfully I was never involved in the SG-1 shipwars. Plus I loved Jonas. (I guess if I were a proper fangirl. this would be the cue to pitch a frothing fit of Daniel Jackson hate, since there's no way anyone can be allowed to like both. *eyeroll*)

Really, it is possible to like certain characters/pairings/whatever without constantly going off on how other characters/pairings and the people who like them are OBVIOUSLY EVIL/BORING/STUPID WHORES/ASSHOLES/IDIOTS WHO SHOULD DIE and how one's own side is full of virtue and righteousness compared to the mean bitches on the other side. It always ends up with the combatants on both sides looking like assholes. Yay?


meganbmoore February 25 2009, 02:08:07 UTC
Are we allowed to love Jonas and be vaguely annoyed with pre!Ascended!Daniel, but ok with him, and then be fond of but still often annoyed with post!Ascended!Daniel, but most just curios about why we aren't allowed to have both?


morwen_peredhil February 25 2009, 02:16:24 UTC
Yes. I often wanted to shake Daniel for being annoying. And smug. I just didn't think HE WAS THE MOST ANNOYING BASTARD WHO EVER LIVED AND ANYONE WHO DOESN'T SEE THAT IS AN IDIOT AND DAMN HIM TO A THOUSAND HELLS FOR TAKING JONAS AWAY FROM ME. If you know what I mean.

I think we weren't allowed to have both because of the hate and because of the budget.


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