Out of Darkness, Out of Doubt (Sherlock)

Aug 18, 2011 08:28

Title: Out of Darkness, Out of Doubt
Author: Morgan Stuart
Fandom: Sherlock
Disclaimer: This universe does not belong to me; I'm just an appreciative visitor. I make no profit from this fan work.
Description: Sherlock observes more during cases these days than he used to do. Not much cop, this caring lark.
Author's Note: This is a 221b ficlet: 221 ( Read more... )

sherlock, 221b (sherlock), fan fiction

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Comments 51

fengirl88 August 18 2011, 12:40:30 UTC
I love what you've done with Sherlock in this - the sense that he is still outside "this caring lark" in some ways but that his bearing witness is a form of it, even if he doesn't recognize that.


morganstuart August 18 2011, 21:25:57 UTC
Oh, thank you so much!

the sense that he is still outside "this caring lark" in some ways but that his bearing witness is a form of it, even if he doesn't recognize that

Yes! That's it exactly. (I struggled to do this in 221 words, and you stated it so beautifully in less than a sentence!) I'm so thrilled this did, indeed, come across. It's just what I was hoping to convey.

I'm glad this characterization seems fitting to you.

Thanks again!


shefa August 18 2011, 13:00:37 UTC
This is incredibly powerful. The way these three men circle one another and then part, each into their own bubble of remembrance and pain... Sherlock, too, with his position as sentinel, has a job to do. He's respectful here in a way that shows his development in relation to the two men whose dreams he witnesses and guards.

Gorgeous work.


morganstuart August 18 2011, 21:32:01 UTC
Oh, thank you! I'm so pleased the characterization worked for you. I love how you've described it here; that's just what I'd hoped would come through in the details (and the silences).

He's respectful here in a way that shows his development in relation to the two men whose dreams he witnesses and guards.

Yes! Oh, this makes me so happy. That's just how I saw it. Their dreams, or their reactions to their dreams, obviously affect and matter to him, or he wouldn't be acting the sentinel here.

I'm so grateful for your kind words. Thank you for reading and commenting.


impishtubist August 18 2011, 13:23:06 UTC
Oh, this is lovely. Very powerful. Especially Softly, he moaned a plaintive call for the one he had loved and wed, buried and mourned. Then, unanswered, he growled out a troubled sigh. Gorgeous.


morganstuart August 18 2011, 21:35:02 UTC
Oh, thank you so much! I'm so glad this worked for you. Especially those lines about poor Lestrade's uneasy slumber. I blame Rupert Graves. I could just see him, curled on that sofa in Mrs. Dalloway, and the description wrote itself. ;)

I appreciate your always-encouraging feedback so much. Thank you for reading and commenting, my friend.


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morganstuart August 18 2011, 21:44:26 UTC
to step out of his own bubble of interest and listen to the still, sad music of humanity

Oh, that's such a beautifully poignant way to put it! I love that. Yes, I definitely think this is caring, even the curiosity aspect of it, in this case: people's nightmares are dull and boring, I'd expect, and worthy only of being ignored. But the very real pain of these particular two men makes him pause and set his work aside, and he's unable to return to it until he's certain peace has been regained. For Sherlock, that's truly significant, I imagine.

Great point about the timing, too. Yes, this is definitely pre-TGG Sherlock. I'm quite anxious (then again, who isn't?) to discover exactly who and what the post-TGG Sherlock is. That experience will not doubt leave him changed, and since John's with him, I assume that means he'll be somewhat farther along on his journey toward being a good man as well as a great one.

As always, I'm so grateful to you for reading and commenting, my friend. Thank you!


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morganstuart August 18 2011, 22:17:39 UTC
Aw, but you're the one who thought to employ it here! ;P And I love the visual of Sherlock stepping out of his own bubble of interest to listen...

You're so sweet! Gah, I just know the new series is going to make so, so much of what I've written AU. I do wonder how much farther to go with it now, when it will have such a short shelf life. I thought Sofie was done, but she keeps wanting to reappear... I don't know whether to let her be, create a new instalment, or write the end story that brings that whole 'verse to its logical conclusion. (I do know how things turn out in the end...) Just a quivering mass of indecision, I am!!! (Sorry for TMI!) But it is nice, if we are going to have to wait, to know at least that this means more time for all of us to play with the canon we already know.


vince_moon August 18 2011, 13:54:42 UTC
I really enjoyed reading this.


morganstuart August 18 2011, 21:45:21 UTC
I'm delighted to hear it! Thank you so much for reading and commenting. I really appreciate it.


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