Out of Darkness, Out of Doubt (Sherlock)

Aug 18, 2011 08:28

Title: Out of Darkness, Out of Doubt
Author: Morgan Stuart
Fandom: Sherlock
Disclaimer: This universe does not belong to me; I'm just an appreciative visitor. I make no profit from this fan work.
Description: Sherlock observes more during cases these days than he used to do. Not much cop, this caring lark.
Author's Note: This is a 221b ficlet: 221 ( Read more... )

sherlock, 221b (sherlock), fan fiction

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morganstuart August 18 2011, 21:44:26 UTC
to step out of his own bubble of interest and listen to the still, sad music of humanity

Oh, that's such a beautifully poignant way to put it! I love that. Yes, I definitely think this is caring, even the curiosity aspect of it, in this case: people's nightmares are dull and boring, I'd expect, and worthy only of being ignored. But the very real pain of these particular two men makes him pause and set his work aside, and he's unable to return to it until he's certain peace has been regained. For Sherlock, that's truly significant, I imagine.

Great point about the timing, too. Yes, this is definitely pre-TGG Sherlock. I'm quite anxious (then again, who isn't?) to discover exactly who and what the post-TGG Sherlock is. That experience will not doubt leave him changed, and since John's with him, I assume that means he'll be somewhat farther along on his journey toward being a good man as well as a great one.

As always, I'm so grateful to you for reading and commenting, my friend. Thank you!


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morganstuart August 18 2011, 22:17:39 UTC
Aw, but you're the one who thought to employ it here! ;P And I love the visual of Sherlock stepping out of his own bubble of interest to listen...

You're so sweet! Gah, I just know the new series is going to make so, so much of what I've written AU. I do wonder how much farther to go with it now, when it will have such a short shelf life. I thought Sofie was done, but she keeps wanting to reappear... I don't know whether to let her be, create a new instalment, or write the end story that brings that whole 'verse to its logical conclusion. (I do know how things turn out in the end...) Just a quivering mass of indecision, I am!!! (Sorry for TMI!) But it is nice, if we are going to have to wait, to know at least that this means more time for all of us to play with the canon we already know.


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morganstuart August 19 2011, 20:35:56 UTC
Trust you to have such wise words for me! *hugs* Thank you, my friend. What you say really resonates with me. You're right, of course. I appreciate the encouragement and advice.

And I'm glad to hear that's the path you're following, as well. I do hope they will interact more in the next series... but if it doesn't happen, at least I'll know there will be excellent stories to read! As always, I look forward to whatever you write.

Thanks again!


uwsannajane August 19 2011, 17:38:39 UTC
Please count me in on the "More Sofie!" bandwagon.


morganstuart August 19 2011, 20:37:16 UTC
Oh, thank you! :D I really appreciate it. It's wonderful to know that there's really interest in this, outside of my own head. LOL. Thanks!


mazaher August 23 2011, 18:35:30 UTC
I apologise for intruding ay this point (instead of leaving a proper comment at the end of the queue) but I'm enjoying the comments and answers to these two 221B stories almost as much as the stories themselves =)
What I wish to say --at this particular point-- touches on the topic of what you term "a short shelf life". Not so! The twists and turns of a growing canon will never void of its value any good writing that happened at an earlier stage.
I believe stories (canon and fanon alike) have always developed along the same lines as the species of the living beings: as branches in a bough, pushing out in different directions, splitting into smaller branches, and making good use of all available resources.
In other words, stories (the good ones) are *alive*.
Yours definitely are.
Much thanks!


morganstuart August 23 2011, 19:37:53 UTC
LOL! I forget that I'm not the only one who reads the comments to my stories. Thanks for jumping in!

Once again, wise words. I'm grateful for this, truly. Your "branches in a bough" analogy is both beautiful and helpful.

I appreciate your kind words so much. This is very heartening to hear. Thank you for taking the time to comment and encourage me this way!


mazaher August 23 2011, 19:59:29 UTC
I'm also selfish enough to shamelessly exhibit my personal convictions in public, in order to get some more of your Sophie =)
Thank you again


morganstuart August 23 2011, 21:24:16 UTC
Awwww! This puts a huge smile on my face! I appreciate it so much. I'm delighted you like her and her stories. Thanks for letting me know you'd be interested in more.


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