I've been trying to write a post about 66 Books at Westminster Abbey on Friday (or rather 32 books which is how many I actually saw I think) only every time I start it I get distracted thinking about it and my brain shoots off in half a dozen different directions about the actors or the writers or the pieces themselves... it's very unhelpful. I'll get there in the end though. Probably.
Assuming the very strange Revelations enduced dreams don't drive me round the bend. I was so close to falling asleep at that point I think the words went straight into my sub-conscious and I now have a muddle of carousels and the seven trumpets and goodness only knows what else in my head.
Perhaps I'll try some bullet points in case I never finish the more detailed report/review I'm writing...
- Arthur Darvill can sing to me basically forever. Hearing his voice echoing in the Abbey was really quite magical and he sang twice <3
- Joshua McGuire was insanely brilliant and I have no idea how he kept all of the response to Chronicles in his head but it was probably the best piece performed by an actor I become more impressed with everytime I see him (oh pocket!Hamlet I do wish I hadn't gone all faint when I saw you last)
- That Godblog- Catherine Tate version of Genesis has been hyped in reviews and was only so-so (sorry Catherine, you were pretty fab)
- I WISH Peter de Jersey doing... oh bother 2 Chronicles? I've forgotten but it was one of the history type books... anyway I wish it hadn't been quite so much in the middle of the night. It was probably rather too long but it was very apt for current events and I was really struggling to concentrate.
- I can't think of a better way to see Westminster Abbey than late at night when you're free to wander and there are fantastic actors everywhere... we even had a piece in the Shrine which was pretty amazing.
- Rowan William's response to the Gospel according to John was really very good, didn't hurt that one of its 3 actors was Bill Paterson, he has a surprisingly good way with words (surprising to me maybe not to others IDK)
The rest will have to wait till I'm home with the programme lsit... I WILL write it up though I'm determined.
Some of the reponses were straightforwards and others less so, there are a couple I still don't entirely see where they came from (I really need to read 2 Timothy & then the response again) but of course with so many different writers & performers if one didn't strike a chord the next one probably would!