Prabhakar estimates that a reasonable compiler written in Scheme will have about 15000 lines of code.
pcolijn_feed's and my current count: slightly under 7000. Perhaps that's why we're not generating very much code yet.
Actually it makes me feel a little relieved because I was wondering if our code count was high given the expressiveness of Scheme.
Comments 19
If you send me a chunk of code, or put it on a page somewhere where I can get at it, I can give you an uninformed opinion on its expressivity.
We don't use macros really, but we do do a bunch of currying and such.
Overall I'm pretty happy with our choice of scheme; the one super annoying thing is the lack of decent debugging support, as in "you did (car '()) 'somehwere'". Oh, great. Thanks. Somewhere in my 7000 lines of code I car an empty list; such useful debugging information.
We can use the SRFIs and all the extensions. I'm not sure if we're coding idiomatically since I'm not sure what the Scheme idioms are, and whether we have good abstractions depends on whether the code is written at 2pm or 4am :)
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