Fic: ‘What he wants.’

Apr 03, 2012 11:34

Title: What he wants.
Fandom: Doctor Who.
Rating: (PG)
Time Period: During Amy and Rory’s teenage years.
Summary: He wants to do more than friendship allows.

Author's Note: This is quick ‘n’ dirty (for definition see the F. A. Q.).

Boy, have I been writing a lot of Doctor Who lately! This almost-drabble is a glimpse into Rory, what he’d like to do but which friendship forbids.

All characters contained herein are the intellectual property of the BBC & Steven Moffat; I am not affiliated with nor endorsed by them.


He wants to tuck that straying curl behind her ear. He wants to hold her hand. He wants to touch his lips to hers, feel them soft and pliable as a hand reaches behind her head and brings her closer to him. He wants to wrap his arms around her when she’s sad and tell her everything will be okay. He wants to be allowed to make everything okay.

He catches himself reaching for that curl at times, catches himself leaning closer when they study together. He always stops himself: pointing out a fact when he leans closer, punching her lightly on the arm when he reaches for that curl.

So he concentrates on the little he’s allowed and not on what’s forbidden. But, oh, is it hard not to do what he wants to be allowed to do!

No, not wants. Needs. He wants to be her Rory, to protect and not simply watch from the sidelines.

One day, he dreams, he’ll be allowed. One day.

But in his mind, he knows, that one day will never come.

character: rory williams (pond), pairing: amy & rory, tv: doctor who

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