Telling the Difference!

Apr 24, 2018 10:39

Believe it or not, there are ways to tell these two apart! This list is mainly for OOC reference, but because it's all visual/superficial stuff, it's fair game for characters to pick up on. (Though you never know when they'll mix things up!)

- Their hair! Hikaru parts his hair on the right (meaning that, from the viewer's perspective, his bangs go towards the right). Kaoru parts his hair on the left. They are not above changing this up, but unless they're actively trying to deceive someone, this is the easiest way to tell them apart.

- Positions! From the viewer's perspective, Kaoru usually stands on the left, and Hikaru stands on the right. This method isn't as reliable as looking at the way they part their hair, but it typically holds true.

- Colors! When they dress differently, Hikaru tends to wear blue, and Kaoru typically wears more orange. (On an OOC note, these are also the colors they speak in when doing joint posts.)

OTHER THAN THAT they're pretty much perfectly identical, physically. But we hope that this list helps out!


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