Usually, I work my ass off getting ready for these. It has to be academic, because that's really what I'm supposed to be there for, so the costumes have to be last minute. This year the paper felt thrown together, too, but I still think it was pretty good.
I'd just like to point out that THIS is what research on werewolves actually looks like, instead of just Googling it like SOME lazy-ass people who won't be mentioned.
For crying out loud, what is up with that? First Bella Swan Googles "Quileute Legends Cold Ones Sparklepires," then Stiles in Teen Wolf does the same thing with werewolves, and the next day they race around saying "I've done a lot of research." No wonder my students cut and paste whole chunks of their papers from the first couple of Google hits that come up!
(Remus Lupin says "Do your own god-damned research.")