Pregnancy: Almost 5 months!

Feb 21, 2013 18:58

I haven't really posted a ton here (or anywhere, for that matter..) about pregnancy and how things are going. I never want to whine and bitch about aches and pains and make it seem as if I am ungrateful or less-than-thrilled to be pregnant, because I've been on the other side and I know how shitty it is to read those things when you'd give anything ( Read more... )

19 weeks, pregnancy, babies

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Comments 27

gldngrrl February 22 2013, 15:05:59 UTC
moonrock February 22 2013, 18:16:18 UTC
i keep thinking at some point its going to slow down to a halt and feel like it's not moving at all, but nope.. so far, full speed ahead. egads!


entropic_system February 22 2013, 15:34:58 UTC


moonrock February 22 2013, 18:15:31 UTC
bebbehs are size of mangos or something this week. BIG BEBBEHS!


entropic_system February 22 2013, 18:20:56 UTC
melon bebbehs


guaparella February 22 2013, 21:29:54 UTC


electriclime February 22 2013, 17:07:49 UTC
I love that everything is coming along so well! ! (and that you have pink on the background of the ultrasound pictures..nice touch!)
I had that pain with Kyle, because it was my first. I think it's like your hips widening or something. It's definitely the kind of thing that you can't ignore because it's just so....THERE. I don't remember it with a pregnancy after that.

Keith always measured a few days bigger than Kevin and in fact was born 1 1/2 lbs BIGGER and Kevin seems to always been emotionally and physically about a year behind. Mentally, though..that kid is beyond any of them. Of course, we didn't have the threat of twin-to-twin transfusion since they aren't identical, it just always fascinated me that they grew in there at the same time and yet can be so different.

Keep moving along, girl. You are doing AMAZING!


moonrock February 22 2013, 18:19:54 UTC
there is a very very minor risk of TTTS for fraternal, but im not entirely sure how that works (just based on room/nutrients all going to one and not the other?) but it definitely isn't the same as when they're sharing the placenta.

I definitely think the problem is the hips widening, and splitting the pelvis at the bottom, this is the best picture of it I've found that describes EXACTLY where the pain is:

... )


electriclime February 22 2013, 18:29:10 UTC
That's exactly what I"m thinking, too. I didn't know it at the time, but I STILL remember how uncomfortable it was. I want to say that going out for a walk helped, but then this little voice in my head says "are you sure that's how it went down??" LOL It was a LONG time ago.

I do know the hips never went back. Damn birthing things.


moonrock February 22 2013, 18:56:48 UTC
Honestly, it probably did help. Strengthening the muscles is a good thing, but when every movement hurts, it's pretty hard to talk myself into going out for a walk.

I looked into the schedule at the base gym for water aerobics (even if I have to modify and do a lot less than everyone else!) but the Bremerton one is closed for 10 months. Thanks, guys. I'd have to go up to Bangor, which still isn't THAT far... and it's free.. but.. yeah. :P


lightningflash February 22 2013, 17:18:57 UTC
I am so excited to start knitting for them!!! I've got the yarn picked out for their blankies, and I'm going to attempt (for the first time ever) little sweater & hat sets!


moonrock February 22 2013, 18:16:43 UTC
eek! new skillz! ;) i am excited to see the end result!


guaparella February 22 2013, 21:31:04 UTC

This is so exciting!


moonrock February 22 2013, 22:05:08 UTC

And Kyle is officially on leave this month to get things done! Hooray! ;) Then of course the sucky part of "Kyle is back on the boat" happens in 30 days. Wahhh.


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