you are stephanie underhill. daughter of edwin and lisa. eldest sister to andrea and ethan. best friend of jessica king. loving and empathetic, you always there for people. you have more strength than you know. you have changed over the course of college, yet for the better, not the worse. you try not to let the little things bother you, but they do, because you want everyone to love you, and thats what i love about you. you are not the same girl you were in sophomore year, far from it. you are more mature than most people our age, and you will always have a best friend who is only a t ride away no matter what time of the day it is.
i love you, and i went through the same feeling last year of not liking who i was... right about the time i really got to know the green team. I love you, and thats all that matters, well except i really think that you should love you. you know?
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