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Comments 14

southernrogue47 October 25 2008, 21:24:47 UTC


Tabloid... babies? *dies laughing* Oh, this is just too good. These two can always turn a bad situation around. But, nooo, it's almost over! *sob*


moonlightrick October 26 2008, 05:57:19 UTC
*snerk* I could not resist the tabloid babies. The image of Kyp's reaction, alone, infected me with his amusement. He and Jaina would probably have way too much fun playing the paparazzi *g*

But, nooo, it's almost over! *sob*

I know! I mean, at least it's actually getting completed after that huge long hiatus. But still; and even half-way into the second chapter, I'm still not sure about the sequel. Oh, muses *facepalm*


southernrogue47 October 26 2008, 18:27:27 UTC
Oh, K/J would have a field day with the press. Actually, every day is probably a field day with the press for those two.

Sequels are annoying. Sometimes. Unless they're good. Because you always wonder if it's gonna live up to the first one, and then you start doubting, and blah blah blah. But, we do like sequels when we are not the ones writing them. :P


moonlightrick October 27 2008, 06:06:31 UTC
Those two probably just have field days in general. Alone, each is chaos. Together...oy, vey *facepalm* - in the best way, because I adore both of them, separately and even more together ;D

Sequels can be very annoying, except perhaps for when they're a natural outgrowth. "Always," for exmaple, just grew and took over without my permission. But FaIC was specifically not supposed to have a sequel, so it's a bit...tetchy. And yeah, the 'living up to the previous' bit is...not great.


(The comment has been removed)

moonlightrick October 26 2008, 07:17:16 UTC
This? Perfection. ilu, Peckhum.

IAWTC so much. Peckhum >> so many people.

I like this reminder that Jaina, tiny as she is, is still powerful enough to make people edgy.

Thank you! Especially since, with Zekk, she always tones things down, or just honestly acts like a girl who's completely infatuated. But she's a pretty seriously dangerous person to get on the wrong side of, and I think she would definitely be able to show it sometimes, even with her size.

This really shows how serious things are getting-she’d never do this for a usual tabloid story. As Zekk points out, she normally laughs it off. Plus, all she’s really doing is confirming the story with her reaction.She definitely took it way (too?) seriously, and she definitely gave the game away to a tabloid editor. Of course, we already saw that Jaina's temper has an effect on people, so she might have scared the editor quiet for a while. But Zekk's right; the tabloids prefer the supposed mess of K/J to a "healthy" romance with a tabloid stranger. I...kind of rambled, there :p ( ... )


anonymous October 29 2008, 01:46:10 UTC
Jon here, Erin.

My reaction is bascially to beg for a sequel. ;) I'd love to see one, please. *Begs*


moonlightrick October 29 2008, 15:48:41 UTC
Well, I'm really on the fence about it for a number of reasons, not least because I don't think the sequel is really required. But we'll see--I'm trying to write it :)


gemme October 29 2008, 07:50:01 UTC
it's 2 and i still have readings to do before tomorrow :(
i just needed to get it out that i've seen my cousin in two separate people's userpics..
i am so glad i am not my cousin's sister in korea right now, i would probably be much more disturbed.
i want to sleep.. blargh
i have an 8am class tomorrow, 4 classes, an assignment to finish, and like 200 pages in readings to consolidate T_T


moonlightrick October 29 2008, 15:47:39 UTC
Ugh, readings.

Haha, that would be *weird*. Especially if they're not...family album pictures and/or had fangirling in the comments :P

*hugs* None of that sounds fun. Especially if the readings are all very law school. Hopefully you're not at the youtube video stage yet? ;p I...still have to get up before you, since I don't live across the street from my school? But I pshawed most of my courses' readings in the third week of the term, so sleep and work probably still don't quite daunt you.

Only a month and a half left in the term, though, and then you can come home for a visit/sleep at last :D


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