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moonlightrick October 26 2008, 07:17:16 UTC
This? Perfection. ilu, Peckhum.

IAWTC so much. Peckhum >> so many people.

I like this reminder that Jaina, tiny as she is, is still powerful enough to make people edgy.

Thank you! Especially since, with Zekk, she always tones things down, or just honestly acts like a girl who's completely infatuated. But she's a pretty seriously dangerous person to get on the wrong side of, and I think she would definitely be able to show it sometimes, even with her size.

This really shows how serious things are getting-she’d never do this for a usual tabloid story. As Zekk points out, she normally laughs it off. Plus, all she’s really doing is confirming the story with her reaction.

She definitely took it way (too?) seriously, and she definitely gave the game away to a tabloid editor. Of course, we already saw that Jaina's temper has an effect on people, so she might have scared the editor quiet for a while. But Zekk's right; the tabloids prefer the supposed mess of K/J to a "healthy" romance with a tabloid stranger. I...kind of rambled, there :p

Once again, I really like seeing the practical ramifications of Jaina’s celebrity. Very well done.

Thank you! Because, seriously, you know they'd find out (and make it up a hundred other times), and it would really suck.

Oh, this is brilliant. I adore the idea of them playing Good Cop, Bad Cop. This could be a fic in itself.

Hee! I now have this image of geriatric Jaina/Zekk (with possible Kyp cameos, just because) and their shenanigans *g*

On that note, what sort of sequel-begging would be most effective? I’m not horribly attached to my dignity when it comes to such things.

Haha, well, I've started writing it, if that helps, but I'm not really...sold on the idea yet. I really dislike the idea of sequels just for the sake of a sequel, and I like FaIC's ending--plus, when I started, it was very much this specific ending, and No Sequel. But I'm attempting it, even if the last issues are more outlined than the actual plot; and I'm hoping to have a better idea after I see how people react to FaIC's ending. More that than, I really can't say :p


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