021 - [Action/Accidental Voice]

May 22, 2010 23:42

[Early, early on Sunday morning at about 4AM, the journal will begin broadcasting the sounds of someone's room... and two other people in that room. See this thread for what exactly is broadcast. Afterward, two unsavory characters will be dragging a certain doctor off in the direction of the mountains. There will be no responses over the journal, ( Read more... )

*yellow 13, *litchi, she really needs this, *noel, kidnapping litchi, *tsubaki, *bang, [action]

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THAT MORNING... moonlightoutlaw May 23 2010, 03:43:46 UTC
[Well, this was Litchi's new house. Goroh hadn't been there yet, but he knew it was behind the smithy, so this had to be the one. He just had to wait for that idiot Bang to show up before they put their plan in action. With any luck, they wouldn't wake up that annoying scientist or the freakish cat thing. But with Bang around? Goroh was far from optimistic.]


startwithabang May 23 2010, 07:21:32 UTC
[And he's just wrapping up Litchi delicately still]

I am sorry Miss Litchi, but all of this is for your own good. This is not something I intended to do-- well I did intend to help you but... I guess you can say this is not the method I would have chosen to properly transport you. Something more like a beautiful chariot, being pulled by finely bred horses, at the perfect time of night when the moon was full and shining down in full bloom-- [Don't mind him Goroh, he's just gonna be over here talking to himself.]


moonlightoutlaw May 23 2010, 07:24:11 UTC
[In the meantime, Goroh is ignoring you and pulling out his gun so he can use it to club this fucking annoying panda thing in the head. What the fucking hell is this shit? Fuckdammit to hell!]


not_meatbuns May 23 2010, 07:26:27 UTC
[Oh, now you've done it, Goroh. The staff lifts up in the corner, starting up its fierce Four Winds spin, and zooms its way across the room to clock Goroh in the head.

You don't mess with the Boundary Panda, dammit.]


startwithabang May 23 2010, 07:37:20 UTC
[Nope still hasn't notice yet. Well okay he does hear some sounds but he hasn't turned around.]

Goroh, please. I am trying to apologize. I know, I know- she cannot hear my words, but perhaps somewhere she in her unconscious mind she will hear the sound of my voice and possibly know that she is in safe hands. [Sigh]

This reminds me of a very classic tale that has been passed down from generation to generation of ninja. It is a tale that has kept some of us warm during the harshest of winters. The mightiest of blizzards. Would you like the hear that tale?


moonlightoutlaw May 23 2010, 07:39:42 UTC
[Like hell that's going to happen. Goroh instantly whips out his sword and reduces that staff into ten very tiny pieces. With that taken care of, he places his hand with the panda still on it on the floor, then presses his foot on top of it in an attempt to pull the freaky little thing off. If that fails, he'll eventually try using what's left of that sleeping gas on it as well.]


not_meatbuns May 23 2010, 07:42:37 UTC
[AW HELL NAW. Lao Jiu squeals and retaliates by having all ten pieces float up and go to clock Goroh in the head. It won't exactly be much of an attack, but he's pissed and unfortunately very bite-sized, so that'll have to do for now.

You're gonna need the sleeping gas, dude.]


startwithabang May 23 2010, 07:52:09 UTC
So, decided the best course of action was to just ignore me huh? I don't why I expected any better from the likes of you! Why Miss Litchi associates herself with you on a daily basis is still beyond me.


Ah, I seem to have gotten sidetracked. Where was I? Oh, right. And I hope you could find it in your ever so lovely and kind heart to forgive me for the harsh deeds I have committed against you today. However, I shall understand if all of this is too much for even your heart to bare-- [Geez, Goroh what's taking so long with those clothes? Oh well he can put in some more apology time.]


moonlightoutlaw May 23 2010, 07:54:46 UTC
[Thunk. Thunk. Thunk. Thunk. Thunk. Thunk. Thunk. Thunk. Thunk. Thunk.

Yeah. Just gonna sleep gas this little son of a bitch and throw it in the bag. It's about this time Goroh notices Litchi's journal on her dresser... and it's open. Of course it's open. She ALWAYS leaves it open in case of emergencies. He scowls and flips it shut, ending the transmission.]

Finish it up, Bang. We're out of here yesterday.


startwithabang May 23 2010, 08:03:12 UTC
I was just finishing...

[Luckily by the time he was done with that, Bang was FINALLY through with his speech. And wrapping Miss Litchi. There you go Miaa Litchi! All snug inside of a warm blanket. That's way better than a dirty old bag isn't it?!}


moonlightoutlaw May 23 2010, 08:06:58 UTC
[And thus with their business concluded, they are able to stealthily reach the hot springs. By the time she's set down, that sleeping gas should be wearing off on her. Goroh in the meantime is unwinding by partaking of some booze.]


not_meatbuns May 23 2010, 08:15:55 UTC
[And Litchi is slowly coming to. She lets out a low moan, sitting up stiffly, one hand instinctively going up to brush her bangs out of her eyes. Where... where is she? How did she--

Wait a minute. The memory is rushing back now. Blind as she still is without her glasses, she can still make out the Gorohblob only by power of deduction. He's missing a blob of red that would make him Bang, after all.]

Mr. Goroh... Bang... [Oh god, she's pissed. And more than a little freaked out.] Care to explain to me what you two are up to and where I am?


startwithabang May 23 2010, 08:20:52 UTC
Ah, so you've came to...

Miss Litchi, I will explain everything to you. But please, try to calm down a little first. Though I suspect that might be difficult for you, given the situation...


moonlightoutlaw May 23 2010, 17:38:25 UTC
[Goroh doesn't seem bothered at all. Hostages are always like this. Not that Litchi is a hostage. In fact, Goroh reaches inside his jacket and carefully retrieves Litchi's glasses and then taking her hand, gives them to her.]

Have a look around. I think that should explain things


not_meatbuns May 23 2010, 17:45:06 UTC
[Litchi slips on her glasses with a small sigh of relief and looks around herself. The hot springs? Why in the world did they--

Oh. Oh. She's not freaked out anymore, and not exactly pissed; just mildly irritated. How Goroh talked Bang into this she's not sure she wants to know.]

...You really didn't have to go so far over this. I got more than enough rest the other night.


startwithabang May 23 2010, 17:57:38 UTC
That is NOT true! You don't get NEARLY enough rest!


I can um. Tell by how drowsy you look. [Yeah cause he doesn't stalk you or anything]


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