021 - [Action/Accidental Voice]

May 22, 2010 23:42

[Early, early on Sunday morning at about 4AM, the journal will begin broadcasting the sounds of someone's room... and two other people in that room. See this thread for what exactly is broadcast. Afterward, two unsavory characters will be dragging a certain doctor off in the direction of the mountains. There will be no responses over the journal, ( Read more... )

*yellow 13, *litchi, she really needs this, *noel, kidnapping litchi, *tsubaki, *bang, [action]

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THAT MORNING... moonlightoutlaw May 23 2010, 03:43:46 UTC
[Well, this was Litchi's new house. Goroh hadn't been there yet, but he knew it was behind the smithy, so this had to be the one. He just had to wait for that idiot Bang to show up before they put their plan in action. With any luck, they wouldn't wake up that annoying scientist or the freakish cat thing. But with Bang around? Goroh was far from optimistic.]


startwithabang May 23 2010, 04:03:20 UTC
[It's supah ninja Bang time! He's stealthily running and jumping from different rooftops, trees, etc. to get to Goroh's location.]

TOH! [He jumps down off a rooftop and uses his scarf as a parachute to land gracefully in front of him.]

As smooooth as water.


moonlightoutlaw May 23 2010, 04:04:47 UTC
[Goroh grimaces as Bang lands in front of him and answers him with a hushed reply.]

You'd be smoother if you didn't talk.


startwithabang May 23 2010, 04:13:15 UTC

Oh, don't you start with me YOU! This day is about Miss Litchi, our disagreements can wait until later!


moonlightoutlaw May 23 2010, 04:21:09 UTC
[... There really is no point to this, either? Litchi might as well be awake by now. Regardless, they're into this now.]

Fine, whatever. You're the ninja here, so get us inside.


startwithabang May 23 2010, 04:31:52 UTC
Me? You're the one that came up with this plan, I thought you would have atleast thought of a way to get in.

[Well regardless he's scoping out the place to find a way to sneak in since he obv has to be the brains of this operation.]


moonlightoutlaw May 23 2010, 04:33:47 UTC
[Actually Goroh swiped one of Litchi's keys earlier. But he just wants to see how a ninja would manage to sneak in unnoticed.]

That's the reason I brought you along.


startwithabang May 23 2010, 05:05:38 UTC

Fine, but if you want to get inside, you must do exactly-- [He puts two fingers up to his own eyes and then points them in the direction of Goroh's eyes giving somewhat of a mimic his every movement signal.] what I do. You must become my shadow. My very essence. Now, let's go!

[Then he quickly-- but very silently-- jumps onto the roof, running all the way to the other side of it, and does a roll before leaping off towards a nearby tree and kicking off of it, doing a few mid-air flips along his way towards the ground. You still following right? Well once he lands he does about a dozen or so fast cartwheels over to Miss Litchi's window which brings at just the side of it. You could just uh... walk too I guess.]


moonlightoutlaw May 23 2010, 05:07:24 UTC
[In the meantime, Goroh goes to the other side of the house, uses the key to unlock the door, locks it behind himself, and quietly maneuvers his way into Litchi's room. He'll be waiting for you there, Bang.]


1/2 startwithabang May 23 2010, 05:13:16 UTC
[He slowly peeks over into the window.]

Haha, I hope you were paying attention because--


startwithabang May 23 2010, 05:13:35 UTC


moonlightoutlaw May 23 2010, 05:15:16 UTC
[Goroh just glares at Bang from inside, as if to ask him what's taking him so damn long.]


startwithabang May 23 2010, 05:20:24 UTC
[You're a dick.

He quietly opens the window and makes his way inside-- uh oh. He's uh. Sorta kinda a little you know. Stuck. JUST A LITTLE! IF YOU GIVE HIM A MINUTE HE'LL BE OUT IN NO TIME. Just gonna start wiggling a little.]


moonlightoutlaw May 23 2010, 05:25:44 UTC
[Oh good, while you're doing that, Goroh will take care of the part Bang would be freaking out about. In other words, Goroh goes over to where Litchi is. Well... ain't that a skimpy number?

Time to apply those sedatives he brought with him. He'll just make sure he does that while his back is blocking what he's doing from Bang's view.]


1/2 not_meatbuns May 23 2010, 05:36:13 UTC
[Hey. Hey. She wasn't exactly anticipating two huge men walking into her room when she put on this nightie. She was only thinking that it was omghot.

Also all this movement is waking her up. Her glasses are halfway across the room, so she can't see clearly at all. But as her eyes flutter open, she can definitely make out Goroh. Only... what is he...]


not_meatbuns May 23 2010, 05:37:35 UTC
[LAkdjsLIAjdsLAkd!] M-Mr. Goroh! What in the world are you--

S-stop it...!


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