
Mar 10, 2012 21:27

I will never not laugh in a Walk To Remember when Shane West goes to his dad's house in the middle of the night all "FIX MY GIRLFRIEND'S CANCER" and his poor dad goes: "But son, I'm a heart surgeon D:" and then Shane runs off all butthurt - "YOU'VE ALWAYS FAILED ME AS A PARENT, DAD."

Sorry I've been so inactive. I promised I'd make an effort ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

blaqkasphyxiate March 10 2012, 11:42:41 UTC
OH MY GOD that part makes me laugh so hard too. I mean, wtf does he expect his father to do?! He's a damn heart surgeon!

Doesn't his dad end up paying for her to have home care or something? I'd say that's the best he could do in that situation. Haha.


emaciatedwords March 11 2012, 01:18:34 UTC
I haven't watched that movie in so long. lol.


pooloflove March 11 2012, 08:43:48 UTC
Oh god, that used to be my favourite movie. I was so in love with Shane West. My best friend and I watched it so many times we could literally quote every word of it.

There's a really serious part in it where Shane and Mandy are having a moment and they put their heads together but you can actually hear the sound of their foreheads clunking together. It always makes me lol. And there's another part where Shane is wandering through the school looking for her or something and it changes scenes/rooms and so does his shirt.

So I've watched that movie way too many times. Need to download it now, it's been too long!


aerothorn March 14 2012, 19:25:24 UTC
Don't feel bad about not posting, life happens.


sleepingwgods March 18 2012, 18:00:26 UTC
I must be the only person on your flist who hasn't actually seen this movie. I really ought to fix that.

As for not posting, don't worry about it. I take breaks from posting for months too because I don't know where to begin... and like you I've been uncertain of what I'm doing with my life and lots of other stuff keeps happening irl and LJ just got demoted in my priorities list. We're all here though, even if not as frequently as the old days. :)


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