(no subject)

Mar 10, 2012 21:27

I will never not laugh in a Walk To Remember when Shane West goes to his dad's house in the middle of the night all "FIX MY GIRLFRIEND'S CANCER" and his poor dad goes: "But son, I'm a heart surgeon D:" and then Shane runs off all butthurt - "YOU'VE ALWAYS FAILED ME AS A PARENT, DAD."

Sorry I've been so inactive. I promised I'd make an effort with LJ this resurrection around but uni is just killing me and I have no idea what I want to do with my life post-this year. Ironically, these things shouldn't be keeping me from my LJ, they should be compelling me to write in it. I'll look at all your posts tomorrow, I just feel like I wanted to foster all of these new friendships on here and I started and then just kind of abandoned ship D:.
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