
Jan 30, 2012 19:07

One of my best friends is having a birthday gathering at the moment and I'm not there ( Read more... )

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moonisaballoon February 4 2012, 09:12:24 UTC
Thank you! He gets quite hot-headed when things inconvenience him, but he calmed down eventually :b


d00mmuffinz January 30 2012, 14:08:41 UTC
I know the feeling. My friend, Mark, throws a new years party every year, but he focuses the party on an ex-best friend we all went to high school with. (Here I am, sounding like I'm 14 again). Nonetheless, it's the only party where everyone gets together... But I don't go, and it's kind of marginalized me from them. Beware of that.

But, if you DO go, also beware! I went to the new years party once, was approached by this chick & I punched her in the face, ripping out her lip ring. As much as I was proud for that well-needed moment, it's not the brightest thing to do.

You were stuck in a bind, it's okay. Don't hesitate to talk to this person and say, "I feel ___ when ___." he'll be sure to understand, and throw him a little birthday shindig-- buy him lunch 8)


moonisaballoon February 4 2012, 09:15:03 UTC
Oh, don't worry, I feel 14 years old complaining about . I don't know why, but being affected by people who've wronged you to the point that you'd actually avoid social situations that involve them feels...not adult. But I seriously don't think I'll ever be a person who can handle it. I GUESS I SHOULD JUST MOVE CITIES :b.


great_dame January 30 2012, 16:39:42 UTC
What a cock block.


goldgunsgirl January 30 2012, 16:54:21 UTC
I have zero advice for this situation...but I can relate.

Ugh. Best of luck


moonisaballoon February 4 2012, 09:16:30 UTC
Thanks. It's just comforting to know that other people have similar crippling social anxieties :b


dodgers_pwn January 30 2012, 18:27:11 UTC
If you aren't going to go to the party, you should make sure to take the best friend out to dinner some other time or something. Your reasons for not going are totally legit, but on the same token, I know I'd feel pretty bad if one of my best friends didn't make it to a birthday gathering and didn't make up for it in some way.


moonisaballoon February 4 2012, 09:17:26 UTC
I ended up doing that and it seemed to mend the situation, thanks for the advice! :)


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