On the subject of having no depth.

Jan 22, 2012 11:20

At the moment I'm trying to read Game of Thrones, mostly because I want to watch the series and I love being that dickhead who watches adaptations of things and goes "Huh, well, in the book, which I readThe sad thing I've realized lately, however, is that when it comes to fantasy/sci-fi, my attention span is actually worse than when I was younger. ( Read more... )

thoughts, liz fails

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Comments 23

dodgers_pwn January 22 2012, 01:38:39 UTC
I haven't read a single book that isn't law or sports related since like, 2007. When I took a British Lit class, I really enjoyed it but at best read half of each book. I used to be like, oh yeah, I like Jane Austen, I read Mansfield Park, she's a great writer. What really happened is that I crammed the spark notes in time for the exam.

I won't blame tv though. I'm just a lazy reader.


moonisaballoon January 22 2012, 02:50:51 UTC
It disgusts me how often I lie about reading books in order to gain street cred.

Yeah, I think I've just become lazy at everything. Lately I've noticed I don't even have the attention span to get into shows with plots more complicated than your average sitcom. Like...I downloaded all of Lost because that is one of those Epic Saga Shows That People Discuss and I could barely get through it. Then I quite easily sit down and watch crap like New Girl which as I watch it I'm even saying "Well, this is terrible. This isn't even television." BUT I CAN FINISH AN EPISODE OF IT REALLY EASILY.


dodgers_pwn January 22 2012, 02:58:26 UTC
Maybe we just need to accept we're not sophisticated?

Fuck Lost, btw. Burn Notice is a pretty good show, also a lot easier to get through because it's not just JJ Abrams wanking on a script. /unsolicitedtvshowsuggestion


moonisaballoon January 22 2012, 03:03:24 UTC
I actually have all of Burn Notice, too. Mum and Dad have given me all of these shows to watch and I'm almost overwhelmed for choice and just have no idea where the hell to start. I'M GOING TO START WITH BURN NOTICE.


lily_bloodrose January 22 2012, 02:04:48 UTC
i have the problem a lot of trying to keep the world and characters straight. they use all sorts of long, similar sounding names (lord of the rings was especially bad!) and my mind kinda starts blanking out on them all together.


moonisaballoon January 22 2012, 02:53:56 UTC
Yeah, see, whenever I read these complicated fantasies, I get really stressed out when there's a map of the land at the front of the book because WHAT SHOULD I BE REGULARLY REFERRING BACK TO THAT MAP WILL I BE TESTED ON THIS.

And just the names. Such weird names. And they all end up looking the same.


dancing_ghost January 22 2012, 02:05:57 UTC
I've heard from a lot of people that the tv show is better than the book. I haven't read it, but I did thoroughly enjoy watching it.


moonisaballoon January 22 2012, 02:55:00 UTC
I really ought to just quit being such a snob and watch the show. I really ought to do what I do with everything else and just lie and say I read it.


spiral_meter January 22 2012, 05:30:55 UTC
i have a crappy attention span.


moonisaballoon January 23 2012, 11:29:30 UTC
I'm glad to see this is a common trait, I felt like I was dropping IQ points or something.


gutteredstar January 22 2012, 08:46:28 UTC
haha I was going to do that with game of thrones because someone told me that I'd be easier to keep everyone straight. But it doesn't sound it is so maybe just jumping straight into the show is the way to go.

I totally like this with young adult books as well. My friend keeps giving me srs bsns books to read and I'm like noooo too difficult.


moonisaballoon January 23 2012, 11:32:22 UTC
Look, to be fair - I'm maybe 200 pages in and it's roughly the length of The Bible, so I'm being a pretty quick judge here. Mind you, you sound exactly like me so hey, THE FIRST 200 PAGES FEELS LIKE 39028432084 PAGES, DON'T BOTHER.


gutteredstar January 23 2012, 19:37:26 UTC
haha no by 200 pages I want to be on the way to being done...or at least have a reasonable idea of what's the what. I'm thinking I'll try the series first and just google if I get confused and then I'll try the book if I'm suuuper into the series.


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