Glee | The Encyclopedia Brittanyca: On Chance | Brittany (6 of 7)

May 18, 2010 12:13

Started my daily ficlets to make the hiatus pass, then decided to keep going with a second cycle, and then a third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eigth cycle, and ninth cycle.

Now comes the tenth cycle. And since that feels like it should be special, this is what I'm doing: Cycle 10 will feature my top 15 of some favorite things from Glee. Characters, ships, friends... It will be daily ficlets for numbers 15 down to 2, but number 1 will be a 7-chapter story :) Here we go!
Coming in at number one! - Part 6 of 7


Brittany had decided the best thing to do was for her to go see Patches on her own, because he dealt better with small gatherings, and the five of them would be too much. They had all the proof they needed, but in finding Miss Farrell’s note, they had found Brittany had it right all along… a love story, but more…

It was clear now, they had never actually come together, face to face, not yet. Realizing this, Brittany had wondered what it meant they should do… But then she got it. Her new mission was to bring the two of them together. It was like this story she knew, from when she was a kid… like the swan princess in a patched coat… Miss Farrell was there during the day, but Patches could not be seen then. He could only go about during the night…

Saturday morning, and Brittany got dressed to go to the library. She thought Patches might recognize her better if she had her uniform. So she put it on, got her hair up in the ponytail, and she was ready. She grabbed her bag, and she was off.

When she heard the familiar barking, as she neared the library, she wondered if maybe she should wait, but almost right away she pushed the thought and went along. She sat on a bench nearby, quietly watching. He was back at work, he was folding paper again… More paper airplanes maybe?

After a while, she saw him sneak a look, another. He gave a tentative growl, but she remained quiet, gave him a smile and a wave. He stopped growling and got back to folding. After a few moments more, she got up and came to sit on the steps, a couple feet away. He flinched, held on to his half-folded maybe-airplane, keeping a look on her from the corner of his eye. Brittany fished out a dollar from her wallet, put it down in the paper cup at his feet. He grunted and got back to work.

“I go to McKinley, see?” she pointed to the letters on her chest, gave a nod. “You went there, right?” He didn’t respond, kept folding. She didn’t give up. “I’m in Glee Club, too. You were in Glee Club.” He didn’t speak, but the mention of Glee Club did do something. So on she spoke. “I have...” she reached into her bag and pulled out the paper smile she’d saved from Figgins and showed it to him. He finally acknowledged her, looking over and taking it from her. He looked up. “The principal took them down, but... I liked them.” He seemed to want to say something, but didn’t know how. “Also, we found this,” she pulled out Miss Farrell’s note. He snatched it from her.

“How’d you get this?” he spoke.

“You can talk...” she blinked.

“Of course, I talk,” he shook his head, then asked again. “Where did you get this?” he waved the note.

“In a book, in the library. We saw Miss Farrell write on it and...” His eyes grew wide.

“Miss Farrell? That’s... that’s her name?” he asked, curious now.

“She says we can call her Hannah, but...”

“Hannah...” he repeated, unfolding the note. He read the last sentence, and he smiled, much like Miss Farrell had. “What’s your name?”

“Brittany,” she replied.

“I’m Peter,” he offered his hand, and she shook it. “But I have a feeling you already know that.”

“How’d you know?” she blinked. He smirked, amused. He handed her the note back. She looked at it.

“You should put it back where you found it.” She continued to look at it, then...

“What’s going to fade?” she asked. He looked at her. “Here,” she pointed to a line on the note, written in Miss Farrell’s pristine handwriting. He smiled, returning to the folded paper. He gave it a few more tweaks, and then he showed it to Brittany. “It’s a flower...” she remarked. Peter opened a box at his side and put the completed flower along with the others he’d already done. He picked up another sheet and started to fold again. “Patch... Peter?” He nodded rather than saying ‘yes?’ “Why don’t you go to her?” she asked. He kept on folding, but shook his head.

“Can’t... not a good idea,” he started one way, then went another.

“Why not?” Brittany asked, baffled at his inability to do something so simple. At least that was how it looked to her, so why not to him?

“You’re a good kid, you know that?” He kept folding.

“I am?” He chuckled.

“Do you have any idea how long it’s been since someone’s spoken to me the way you are? Not pitying me or trying to ‘save’ me?” He shook his head. “You’re like that, and that’s great... But I’m still me, and they’re still them. Me, I’m the joke, and them... She doesn’t need that,” he got done with the new flower, put it with the others, then started another one.

“’She’...” Brittany started, trying to figure out who he meant, then she got it. “Oh, Miss Farrell? But... she’s nice, really nice,” she nodded. He hesitated.

“What does she look like?”

“Well, she has blonde hair, not too long. She always has a headband,” she motioned at the area where the band would be. “She has blue eyes... or green, I’m not sure... She was at McKinley too, you know? A little after you though, I think,” Brittany nodded.

“Now what do I look like?” Peter spoke slowly, still folding. She looked at him, an idea coming to her again...

“We can fix you up,” she nodded.

“We?” he repeated.

“My friends, they helped,” she smiled. He didn’t reply, still folding. “Don’t you want to meet her?” He didn’t speak for a minute or so. He snuck a look, to the note still in the blonde’s hand.

“What if she says no? What if it doesn’t work?” She shrugged.

“What if it does?” He smiled.

“When I was in Glee Club, one day, they gave me the key, to get in... I thought I’d lost it, got in trouble for that. Then when I found it again, I didn’t want to say, so I kept it... I don’t know, I wanted to go back one day... I saw all these books had been thrown on the ground, they’d started to put them back. I finished putting them back... next time I went, there was a note... We started writing like that...” He paused, looked at her. “Okay.”

“Okay, what?” He handed her the flower he’d just finished.

“I want to meet her.”



[Cycle 1] [Cycle 2] [Cycle 3]
[Cycle 4] [Cycle 5] [Cycle 6]
[Cycle 7] [Cycle 8] [Cycle 9]
[Cycle 10]
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[195] [196] [197] [198] [199]
[200] [201] [202] [203]
[ [204] [205] [206] [207] [208]]

Suggestion Drop Off

Title: "The Encyclopedia Brittanyca: On Chance"
Pairing: None; Brittany
Rating: G
Summary: [Part 6/7] Brittany knows what's going on, but no one believe her because... well, it's Brittany...
Spoilers: 112 Mattress, I guess ;)

character: brittany, show: glee, gleekathon: top 15, gleekathon: brittanyca, gleekathon

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