GCLS DVD and Nano word count

Nov 07, 2008 17:57

My GCLS DVD showed up in the mail today, and it was amazing. I'm kinda glad I didn;t get much air time on the recaps. I guess I'm still working on my own body comfort issues. It was fun to get to not only watch the things and people I remember seeing, but to catch a few panels I didn't get to. The hoop dancer still shakes me to tears, for many ( Read more... )

path, updates, gcls, nanowrimo, writing now

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Comments 2

geonncannon November 8 2008, 00:27:36 UTC
Wow, EXCELLENT place to be at the end of Week 1! ~applauds~ I find once you crack 35k, the rest of the way to 50 just kind of snowballs and comes really, really easily. And once you hit 50, well, everything over is just a trot. ;-D


m_barnette November 8 2008, 05:30:34 UTC
Congratulations on a great word count.

I'm at 34,000 words. 1k off of where I wanted to be.


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