Hell is Office Meetings

Apr 16, 2009 17:54

Title: Hell is Office Meetings
Author: Magpie
Rating: g
Genre: Team!fic
Verse: n/a
Summary: Most of the time.
Notes: Well I finished watching the avalible episodes of Supernatural. I take back what I said awhile ago. *now* I feel like I've been hit in the head with some very angsty salt. It's crazy, depressing, squee and wtf worthy, and all I'm left with thinking is that April 23rd better come frickken soon.

There was a lot to be said about working as a team. Nate had a whole list of good things and happy memories and other positive reinforcements for team efforts. He was happy to be a part of a team and they worked well together. They made this shindig of theirs work.

But there were other times…

Well briefings like right now were the main point in time when he really really Needed a drink.

This week alone was bad enough.

During the meeting on Monday Parker had been a little more out of it than normal. Or possibly she was trying to be with it more than normal. It was hard to tell sometimes.

Throughout the entire meeting she’d responded to jokes and quips with a look of confusion and it would only be a few minutes later, when the conversation had gone serious again when she’d burst into laughter with a “NOW I get it! That’s funny because….”

Their client had not been amused

Tuesday Hardison had made the mistake of trying to explain to Parker the concept of a poke as internet lingo. Nate didn’t really get the explanation either but Parker got it wrong.

Throughout the meeting she’d poked Hardison several times a minute resulting in him being twitchy and eventually jumping from his seat yelling for Nate to make Parker stop touching him.

After they settled down Parker had started saying “poke” and “I’m not touching you” under his breath and Nate had been forced to finish the meeting early.

Wednesday night Parker was playing the role of a hostess at a party and after all the previous fiascos Sophie had taken Parker aside to do a little work on her social skills.

Nate should of seen it coming but he was still taken by surprise when he walked into the conference room Wednesday afternoon for their scheduled conference only to be greeted by a smiling, polite, Parker who shook his hand introduced herself, offered to take his coat and get him something to drink while practically dragging him toward his seat. She told him to stay while she greeted the other guests.

He’d dragged the meeting out hoping she’d forget she was practicing.

She still stood by the door to thank them all for coming.

Thursday’s meeting came with a rather annoyed Eliot bringing his weapon cleaning kit in. Looked like he was still pissed about last night and being forced to sit around in a empty closet for five hours waiting for his part in a con that never came because Nate made a last minute decision.

So Eliot sat at the end of the table as the others reported, cleaning his weapons and eventually starting to practice throwing them into the wall of the office.

Nate tried to ignore Eliot, giving him time to cool off was always the best course of action.

But at the end of the meeting, when Parker raised her hand and asked if she could bring locks and picks to practice during the next meeting Nate wondered what kind of monster he’d created.

When Friday’s meeting came Nate was still a bit hung over from the night before. The job had gone well and there had been celebrations at Hardison’s, with drinking and more drinking once he was home alone.

He was not looking forward to facing the insanity that had been plaguing this room all week.

When he got to the door Parker greeted him much less forcefully than before and ushered him to his seat before presenting him with hot coffee and a bottle of aspirin and taking her own seat.

The others were already sitting down, Hardison braving sitting beside Parker again, Eliot near Nate on the table’s far side playing with a lighter, and Sophie watching from a vantage point near the door.

Hardison darkened the lights to present his debriefing but was interrupted by Parker starting another poke war. Nate watched in exasperation as they ended up on their feet and running across the room as he heard Eliot flick his lighter in annoyance.

A moment later Parker and Hardison stopped in their tracks, huge grins on both their faces and Nate didn’t even have time to figure out their game before Parker burst out singing the birthday song and the others joined in after a beat.

Nate turned around to see Eliot finishing lighting the candles on the cake.

fandom: leverage, character: team!fic

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