Title: The Two Sons Job: Inherit the Sky
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: gen, referenced past Eliot/Amie, Eliot/Dean
Steal The SkyFandoms: Leverage, Firefly, Supernatural, White Collar
Summary: Concering old friends, past history, father-son relationships, and the Burke Seven.
Notes: For the parting ways square on my H/c bingo card
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Comments 8
And then they steal a cure for Eliot and they all live happily ever after. *nod* Yup. That's how it happens. Because a 'verse where the team has to make do without Eliot just ain't right. *grin*
I love how he's telling Neal to watch out for Peter, knowing he won't be there next time.
Great job!
Second, Handlers and Healing?! Does that mean you've posted another piece of this 'verse?!
Speaking of, I'm watching my way through season 1 of White Collar and it's primarily because of this 'verse.
And sorry. I can not save anyone from bunnies. Mine are already too many.
As for Handlers and Healing. I would reffer you to my Steal the Sky Masterpost But it seems to not be up there. So here: Handlers and Healing
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