Toooo muuuuuuch fic!

Oct 30, 2011 11:33

Dear Pinboard users (and especially the amazing people in my Network),

I love you all very much because you bookmark so many wonderful stories in so many fandoms I love. All of which look incredibly interesting and have to, just have to be read as soon as possible. And you manage do it all the time, a constant stream of great fic to read and read ( Read more... )


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Comments 2

khaleesian October 30 2011, 22:27:16 UTC
SEE THIS IS WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT!!! I am going to be watching you like a hawk to make sure you don't drown in all the awesome fic. Whew, what a way to go, right?


moonbeamsfanfic October 31 2011, 00:05:08 UTC
IT'S NOT MY FAULT!!! I can't help it that Pinboard users just seem to be more actively reccing the fic than Delicious ever did, even during it's heyday. I blame all the kinkmemes, because they are nothing if not frothing broiling bunny factories of kinky and cracky fic production pumping out the most amazing stories ALL OF THE TIME, omg! There's just so much to reeeeead and I don't want to miss any of it! Even if I work through, like, 10 stories a day it still won't be enough because lots of them are novels and epics with ridiculously long wordcounts. (Sherlock and Start Trek XI, I'm looking at you!) Which I love because long fics are gold and totally my preciouses, yes, but they take hours to read -- and then I'm behind again, oh noes!*

Of course the fic situation isn't even the half of it, because I also have nine real books I have to read for work (library staff = much reading, oy!) and I still need to finish off my Halloween costume for tomorrow. Yipes!


* ( ... )


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