Toooo muuuuuuch fic!

Oct 30, 2011 11:33

Dear Pinboard users (and especially the amazing people in my Network),

I love you all very much because you bookmark so many wonderful stories in so many fandoms I love. All of which look incredibly interesting and have to, just have to be read as soon as possible. And you manage do it all the time, a constant stream of great fic to read and read and read so that I never run out of ficcy goodness. It's truly wonderful!

Could ya stop now though, plzkthx?

At least for a day or two, so I can catch up! I have sooooo many open tabs of stories-to-be-read in my browser it isn't even funny. I can't tell them apart anymore because the only part of the tab still visible is the little domain icon of where each tab points to, there's too many to even show partial titles. (Incidentally, I appear to have 8 Livejournal, 5 Dreamwidth, 2 Fanfiction.Net, 6 assorted personal authorsites, and far too many AO3 tabs too count. It's a see of red interspersed with some occasional blue!) And it's not all just one fandom either! I must have at least 15 fandoms represented up there -- though I think a significant portion of them are Avengers fandom, which is ridiculous because I DON'T EVEN LIKE THE AVENGERS, wtf? crimsonquills, I so blame you for this. ::headdesks::

In conclusion, so much great fic! Please hold off on bookmarking more for a bit 'til I can read the ones you've already recced before i fall so far behind I'll never catch up!

Much love,


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