Limbo dancingpalain_7December 21 2016, 03:22:15 UTC
"How low can you go?!"
Sank beneath even my minimal expectations. A record number of electors went against their voters this time: mostly by not voting for Hillary. Bernie Sanders die-hards and the like.
Re: Limbo dancingheliopausaDecember 21 2016, 06:16:34 UTC
I believe that only one elector switched from Clinton to Sanders; three other Democrat electors attempted to persuade Republican electors to switch from Trump by themselves switching to what they hoped would be an alternative Republican candidate - Colin Powell. I think it was a valiant but misjudged attempt. (It could have worked if they'd had six more months to try to persuade the other electors, or to find a better compromise candidate.)
Comments 6
That's my feeling. It is possible to be extremely disappointed having expected almost nothing at all.
Sank beneath even my minimal expectations. A record number of electors went against their voters this time: mostly by not voting for Hillary. Bernie Sanders die-hards and the like.
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