candlejack wrote in monsterward Apr 30, 2010 17:27
tyrannise: adrian winchester, markedbullets: cat, needforfaith: jamie lee, problematical: seifer almasy, *fandom, pausethetime: kiden nixon, *originals, willbereborn: the phoenix, unwrittenfate: tokidoki rikugou, smokingrockstar: maude dante, twowithin: andy | boysaurus, abitofaputz: alice maxwell, , razzledazzlee: jubilee, badassinred: dante, theswordguards: amanda van houten, !meme, gambletheskill: benny | slapdash, onewhitehorn: chappu, theeyesees: iza van houten, afterthedusk: cesar alexandrakis, directiva: ❙❘❚❙❘❚❘❙❘❚❙❙❚❙❚ ( six ), immortalizes: sven the immortal, brujadesangre: la bruja de sangre, eumeristic: twenty five
candlejack wrote in monsterward Apr 06, 2010 11:56
markedbullets: cat, needforfaith: jamie lee, !meme, theeyesees: iza van houten, onewhitehorn: chappu, utilizable: rufus frenzl, *originals, willbereborn: the phoenix, smokingrockstar: maude dante
candlejack wrote in monsterward Mar 24, 2010 18:11
*originals, #verse: dark mirror, tyrannise: adrian winchester, - canon: goodnight moon, !info, needforfaith: jamie lee, afterthedusk: cesar alexandrakis
candlejack wrote in monsterward Mar 01, 2010 16:15
, *originals, needforfaith: jamie lee, , !box, .dropped,