meme ❚ ❼ on sexuality.

Apr 30, 2010 17:27

❼ on sexuality:

▶ originals

name Maude Grace Dante.
orientation Bisexual (3/6).
ships [ Canon ] Maude/Vincent, Maude/Prodigy, Siobhan/Maude.
[ RPG ] Valerie/Maude, Driver/Maude/Andel, Jude/Maude, Monroe/Maude, Maude/Malice, Maude/Auron, Ha-Satan/Maude (because I'm hideous), Maude/Crazy Bitch.
partners I'll just mix the lists: Vincent, Prodigy, Siobhan, Valerie, Malice, Auron.
notes Maude is most likely one of my most sexual characters. She's pretty at ease with herself in terms of sexuality, but she's not exactly the kind of person that falls in love. Honestly, she avoids it like the plague because she got her heart broken twice already and she's tired of that and kind of believes she'll never find anyone that she can lean against for real so she doesn't even give it a chance. Besides, she thinks she's too young for relationships and she's all about the fun rather than the love.

name Cat (Catherine Anne Shaw).
orientation Asexual. (x/6)
ships [ Canon ] Cat/Khel, Yvette/Cat, Parker/Cat, Mary/Cat (because I'm still hideous), Hades/Cat (because I'm very hideous).
[ RPG ] Ha-Satan/Cat (I CAN'T HELP IT, I'M HIDEOUS...), Blizzardseason/Cat, Halcyon/Cat, Crazy Bitch/Cat (YEAH...).
partners Well, Yvette kissed her once, but more out of drunk happiness than anything. But she sometimes fucks around with Khel. She is only human, sometimes she's got the needs.
notes I think Cat is one of those characters with a mild case of Oedipus complex - she's not exactly attracted to her mother or anything, but she does seek refuge (involuntarily and unconsciously) in the people that remind her of Tracy and consequently, allows them to get closer. On the other hand, she's pretty self-destructive, so she also tends to let herself be vulnerable in the presence of potential dangerous. In a way, she wants to suffer physically so that she can ignore her constant heartache. She's fucked up in the head.

name The Immortal (Sven).
orientation Heterosexual (0/6).
ships Sven/Laura.
partners Man, his list is so long it never ends. He's been around since ever - the man started out as a goddamn Viking, so you can imagine it's pretty extensive.
notes As said, Sven is a very old chap. He was a Viking before the Valkyrie turned him into an Immortal, so when it comes to sex, he has done a lot of it, although as of late his needs aren't so latent as they were back in the day. He has had several wives through the centuries until he ended up giving up in creating families - he always ended up drifting away since he didn't get older and his children would eventually die. Sven is one of those characters that hasn't once changed his orientation. He doesn't mind homosexual relationships (he used to, but as time went by and by, he got pretty tolerant of everything and accepted it with time), but he's not going to enter one. He loves women.

name Amanda van Houten.
orientation Homosexual (5/6).
ships Agrona/Amanda (absolutely hideous).
partners She has had two or three relationships, but nothing relevant.
notes To be honest, Amanda was never a very developed character until recently - I always focused more on Iza. I finally took interest on Amanda and decided to sharpen her up a little bit, which is probably why I don't exactly ship her with anyone. I confess, I like to ship characters with good chemistry as long as their friendship isn't more important, but I'm the kind of person who ships but doesn't want it to actually happen. I just like the thought of it. Unlike Maude, Amanda is a pretty chill girl and she's okay with giving relationships a go, but she always tries to contain herself since she doesn't want to give in to her unhuman side.

name Chappu.
orientation Bisexual (3/6).
ships [ Canon ] Chappu/Vicyn, Chappu/Bellawyn.
[ RPG ] Crazy Bitch/Chappu...
partners Vicyn (boyfriend), Bellawyn (sexually platonic).
notes I could probably ship Chappu a lot more if he wasn't so faithful. He's actually from a species that value sexual companionship a lot and they just love physical intimacy. But he does love Vicyn (and Bell) a whole lot, so he refuses to indulge himself in his nature. Also, this boy here will eventually father a cute little girl.

name Adrian Winchester.
orientation Homosexual (4/6).
ships [ Canon ] Adrian/Linus, Adrian/Charles, Adrian/Cesar, Adrian/John, Adrian/Harry, Adrian/Robert, Adrian/Vladislava.
[ RPG ] Adrian/Linus, Adrian/Pet, Adrian/Feather.
partners Charles, Vladislava, random people he ends up eating, Harry (almost), LINUS IN MY HEAD...
notes He's a vampire. And we all know vampires are sexual beings and not 100 years old virgins, except that one person who wrote about the shittiest vampires of all time and I don't mean Anne Rice. Anyway, Adrian's not only a pretty sexual being by nature, he's also a manipulative bastard that has no shame so he will seduce and use his seduction skills to have his way. He's mostly into men, but that doesn't mean he won't take a bite (ha!) out of a girl.

name Benny (Bethany Lloyd-Weis) | Slapdash.
orientation Heterosexual (1/6).
ships Older!Benny/Older!Eyes (I am so very shameless), Red/Benny (HIDEOUS AGAIN).
partners She is a beautiful virgin maiden that will develop a crush on Eyes.
notes Benny is not exactly a very sexually active character. She's sixteen, but she's this tall, awkward girl that doesn't really think about sex - she's got the whole "shit, I'm a super-powered freak" thing to worry about. I don't know why I think it's sweet that she'll have a crush on Eyes and I don't really care if it's corresponded or not, but I think it's kind of adorable. As for the shipping with Red, that's basically a hideous joke and it's all thanoodles fault.

name Jamie Rose Lee.
orientation Homosexual (6/6).
ships [ Canon ] Jamie/Carmen.
partners Asides from irrelevant girls from across the globe, Carmen. It's actually a PLOT TWIST!!, but Carmen helped Jamie out of her prison (more out of political interest than concern for the human).
notes Yeah, I used Katherine Moenning as Shane McCutcheon for a PB. I feel no shame. Other than that, I really do like Jamie as a character. She's like a bitter old lady, without the old part and she is so very prejudiced against vampires, it's fun to play her in a place where vampires are abundant. I obviously like to terrorize my characters.

name Felix Cheadle.
orientation Heterosexual (1/6).
ships Felix/Roni.
notes I was kind of sad that the crush he and Roni shared never turned into a relationship because I think they'd be so very cute. Other than that, I believe I'm one of the few people that uses Lucas Grabeel as a straight character (but the boy ain't fooling nobody though).

Iza van Houten
2/6 Andrew | Boysaurus
0/6 La Bruja de Sangre
2/6 Siobhan, the fallen
3/6 Cesar Alexandrakis

Birdie, the phoenix
x/6 Twenty-Five
( MARK ) Addison Redford
2/6 Emma
4/6 D I S C

▶ fandom

name Seifer Almasy.
orientation Heterosexual (1/6).
ships [ Canon ] Seifer/Quistis.
partners Apparently, he got it on with Rinoa once.
notes If there's one pairing I hate in FFVIII, that would definitely be Seifer/Squall. Their dynamic is much more than buttfucking, so to hell with the people who think that because they are rivals it means that they're totally into each other. Hhhh. Anyway, while the fan-comic is cute, I also don't ship Seifer/Zell at all. It... doesn't actually make any sense? The again, Seifer/Rinoa is kind of eeeh too. I don't know. In my head, I've always seen him as straight.

name Jubilee (Jubilation Lee).
orientation Heterosexual (0/6).
ships [ Canon ] Jono/Jubilee, Synch/Jubilee, M/Jubilee.
[ RPG ] Kon/Jubilee.
partners I... Don't know if she ever had any relevant boyfriends in canon. So I'll just say, PERHAPS. And I've never roleplayed her in a ship, so. None there...
notes I love this girl forever, but I don't actually ship her a lot. I guess she'll always be the cute, blabbermouth kid for me and I don't want to ruin that. However, I have to say, I loved dreadable's Kon and the chemistry they had. It's probably the only Jubilee ship I'd go for.

name Dante.
orientation Heterosexual (0/6).
ships [ Canon ] Dante/Trish, Dante (DMC3)/Lady, Dante/Nevan.
[ RPG ] Dante/Benkei.
partners I believe Dante has tapped Trish's ass. But for me, Benkei will always be his forever girl.
notes Yeah, I'm one of those fans that doesn't believe for a second that Dante would turn gay, even if he is a complete ass. His flamboyant ways lose all fun when you turn him gay... Moving on, Dante had the most amazing RPG ship I have ever been in, and that's Dankei (Dante/Benkei). My lord, I love them both so much and I will never, ever forget them and I can never play a ship ever again with him if it's not with superflavor's Benkei.

name Kiden Nixon.
orientation CONFUSED... (2/6 or 3/6).
ships [ Canon ] N/A.
[ RPG ] Tyki/Kiden, Badou/Kiden, Tyki/Badou/Kiden, Sei/Kiden.
partners She did... bone Sei. That one time...
notes So... Kiden is actually a tricky character for me when it comes to sexuality. I guess she's one of those people who's always constantly struggling with her sexuality. In my headcanon, she's not a virgin (just look at the life she takes), but she's not entirely sure of herself either. In fact, being away from home gave her an excuse to fool around a bit. I loved the smoking trio so much, they were hideous, but I'm not sure if I'd actually go for the shipping spree since I'd be afraid of having their friendship ruined. AS FOR SEI, WELL... I'LL BLAME IT ON THE VODKA. Also, no, I don't actually ship Kiden/Laura at all.

name Alice Maxwell.
orientation Heterosexual (2/6).
ships [ Canon ] N/A.
[ RPG ] Gabriel/Alice, Schuldig/Alice, The Devil/Alice.
partners It was kind of implied she and Schuldig did have sex, but I left not long after so. I'll say Schuldig.
notes I miss roleplaying Alice so bad. She was an absolute delight to roleplay as. The unofficial cookie baker. Anyway, I very much loved the chemistry she had with Gabriel and Schuldig and in a twisted, hideous way, with the Devil, but while I'd be open to let Gabriel and Schuldig happen, I'd probably be hesitant regarding the Devil. And I don't think it'd ever happen. Because she's the Devil, she's got more important things to do, like raping wishes. But it was pretty fun, the relationship she had with her boys. Err. Boything... Okay, ??? in Gabriel's case (I actually think that was one of the reasons I loved it so much, IT WAS SO MESSED UP why am I hideous).

name Tokidoki Rikugou.
orientation Heterosexual (2/6).
ships [ Canon ] Kon/Toki/Kuchiha.
[ RPG ] Yamamoto/Toki (more platonic than anything).
partners M-Mello...
notes I'll be honest, I never really expected Mello/Toki to happen nor to take the dimensions it took, but eventually I went with the flow and it ended up kind of killing my mojo to play as this derp. It's my fault, really. I never saw Toki as a very sexually active dork, but more of a person who'd comfort another and that's what he was trying to do to Mello. Anyway, I'll always and forever ship the trio, but I don't think I could pull it off in a roleplay. And yes, I still consider him a straight guy even though he took it up the ass. He loves the ladies way more.

tyrannise: adrian winchester, markedbullets: cat, needforfaith: jamie lee, problematical: seifer almasy, *fandom, pausethetime: kiden nixon, *originals, willbereborn: the phoenix, unwrittenfate: tokidoki rikugou, smokingrockstar: maude dante, twowithin: andy | boysaurus, abitofaputz: alice maxwell, tergiverse: siobhan, razzledazzlee: jubilee, badassinred: dante, theswordguards: amanda van houten, !meme, gambletheskill: benny | slapdash, onewhitehorn: chappu, theeyesees: iza van houten, afterthedusk: cesar alexandrakis, directiva: ❙❘❚❙❘❚❘❙❘❚❙❙❚❙❚ ( six ), immortalizes: sven the immortal, brujadesangre: la bruja de sangre, eumeristic: twenty five

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