kiden nixon ❚ that bullet was meant for me.

Apr 26, 2010 13:52

PLAYERName: Ness
Journal: candlejack
Contact: PM | theinsultmachine ( AIM ).
Previous Characters: notthatdog.

CHARACTERFull Name: Kiden Nixon.
Series: NYX ( Marvel Comics ).
Chronology: End of volume one.
Age: 16.
Species: Mutant.
Appearance upon arrival: --

Previous RP memories: --
Bringing someone along?: --
Character History: NYX at Wikipedia.

Personality: As a teenager that has grown up in bad neighbourhood, it doesn't come as a surprise that Kiden excels in what is commonly known as street smarts. She's a tough kid, always with a nasty reply on the tip of her tongue and ready to snark and bite back at anyone who pushes her buttons - which, to be fair, is something relatively easy to do, especially because she seems to actively seek out confrontations, maybe to drown out some of the anger she has boiling inside. Because of her flippant personality and what she shows to be to others, sometimes she is accused of being rather... thoughtless.

Let there be no doubt that Kiden is an extremely self-sufficient teenager and can take care of herself just fine - she did live on the streets for a long time on her own - so do not tell her what she can or can't do. She regards authority figures with distrust and more often than not, disrespect. It's not that she doesn't understand that they're just doing their job (her father was a police officer), it's just... she doesn't like being told what to do and has a hard time following orders. After all, she was known to be the kind of student that's a bad influence on others and had the tendency to disrupt class whenever opportunity arose (read, always).

She isn't grossed out easily (she did eat from the trash and occasionally dumpster-dives in search of stuff) and you can tell by the way that she dresses and generally presents herself that she honestly doesn't give a damn of what people think about her - in fact, she seems to adopt a very "I don't give a shit" attitude about things in general. She simply prefers people to regard her as detached rather than worried or afraid, a "tough façade" if you will. At the same time, Kiden does care about her friends and has a lot of compassion for them, and even a softspot for outcasts and others she can identify with (runaways, kids who have lost their parents). She has no problems in getting into a fight to protect those she deems her friends and even going to the point of taking the hit for them, willing to risk a lot.

On the other hand, Kiden has a lot of trouble in facing consequences of her actions, mostly opting to turn her back to her own problems and running away rather than facing them - and with her new found powers, she has the opportunity to seek refuge in no-time, sometimes to think over her own actions, sometimes just to run away from her responsibilities.

Kiden has some big vices. She steals and she uses drugs and she will indulge her addiction, especially in big raves and parties. It does makes her a little more touchy-feely and becomes a big of a show-off under the influence. The typical modern teenager of this fucked up generation. She isn't an upstanding person of morals and this is proved by the fact that she has no problems in taking a pack of cigarettes from an old family friend's stand by distracting him as she accuses a client of stealing a magazine; this isn't to say she manipulates people, but she is an opportunist. She has to, to survive on the streets. She knows she has to look out for herself

Kiden has a big of a problem when it comes to self-control. The times she does stop herself from acting only on impulse are scarce and rare, even if they do happen. However, don't count on it, for the norm for Kiden is to go with the flow, as she's more of a doer than a thinker. She tends to approach people with a chilled and sometimes goofy attitude, but otherwise she's generally laid back and easy to get along with.

Characters Abilities: MUTANT
As a mutant, Kiden has the power to enter a faster time-stream, slowing down the time perception around her to the point where everything appears to stop, while in reality she is merely moving too fast for time to catch up with her. When she's realigned in this time-stream, she has no need for food nor rest. To reset time, Kiden has to touch the skin of another person; however, she has to be extremely careful when she does this for the impact that the inertia exerts on others can cause excessive damage - a mere poke can break an arm.

It has been proven that she can activate it both verbally and at will and that she can take other people to this no-time zone as long as she maintains physical contact with them. Under stress, however, she can involuntarily shift time.
Possessions: Two packs of cigarettes and a lighter. Some gum as well.
Anything else:--

SAMPLESThread Link: one & log.

Log Sample: The guilt wrenching in her chest was heavy and it made it hard to breathe, so she tried not to think about what had happened back in school. That bullet had been meant for her and instead, it had pierced the teacher's flesh. She remembered seeing blood and Kara screaming for help, and then, everything kind of went blank. Terrified, Kiden had simply ran away, slipping into what was slowly becoming a familiar place, the no-time zone (even if not yet comfortable with it). She didn't want to face any of that, any of the responsibility that would weight upon her shoulders once she saw Mrs. Palmer on the hospital. And she certainly did not want to explain to anyone the fact that she had crazy powers that allowed her to stop the time. She knew what they did to mutants, even if she had never thought about it, until that moment. Because now she too was a target of hate and phobia. Hell, she was even afraid of herself for moments. The power that came with the thing she now had was both awesome and scary. The fact that a mere touch could break someone's bones was, to say the least, pretty freaking weird.

But Kiden didn't want to hurt anyone, not really. Not even Hector - well, maybe just a little bit, but not to the point of bone breaking. It had been an accident. Everything had been an accident, because she didn't know how to deal with it. She nearly refused to, just like she was refusing to face the consequences of the bullet that had been meant for her hurting someone else. She wasn't ready to face it.

She just wanted to walk between the raindrops for a while longer, just to clear her mind. And then maybe she'd return, when the homesickness was too much to bear.

.application, !info, *fandom, @game: splendorocity, pausethetime: kiden nixon

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