monsters! ❚ holes in the skies.

Nov 17, 2010 03:10

❝they came from above❞
In the quiet of the night, the sky tore open one day and from the holes in the skies, monsters began to descend from above upon Earth. Hungry creatures they were, feeding upon humans, devouring their flesh, their souls. At first, people did not understand what was going. Was it God's final wrath? Were it beings from another planet? But then they realized that the monsters under their beds, the monsters in the closet, in the basement, under the stairs, in the dark, the creatures children so wisely told adults about, were very real. Nobody listened to the children before. Leave the lights on, they would say, or the boogieman will catch you. Nobody believed until they were eaten and then, it was too late. People were afraid of sitting in the dark in front of a computer, they were afraid to hear a sound because if they looked over their shoulders, a drool driping monster could be waiting there. People were afraid of closing their eyes while they took a shower because they could be there when they opened them, behind the shower curtain.

As real as the belief of people, some would say the only way to defeat them was to stop believing in them - but how can you do so, when that you are afraid of is so very real?

So the only possibility was war and so soldier marched against something nobody quite understood how to get rid of. Then civilians picked up their rifles and their lanterns and their courage, their baseball bats and their crowbars and marched as well, hoping that maybe, just maybe, monsters could be defeated by union.

But that was an utopic thought; monsters were quite happy to see so many people together, so much flesh, so much blood. So many skins to enjoy, to mutilate, to devour.

The Devil in its sulfur throne rejoiced.

As Earth slowly turned into wasteland, humans began to lose hope. Governments destroyed, countries nothing more than empty landscapes. The despair filled the hearts of humans as monsters continued to be vomited upon Earth.

Years later, one very silly man decided to turn to the Devil and begged it to give him the strength to fight against monsters. The Devil said yes, of course. It would give the man the power necessary to defeat the monsters that wore the skins of humans. But in exchange, his soul would be Hell's forever, condemned to be a slave of the sulfer for eternity. Soon, those that were foolish enough, that had no hope left, began to make the Contract with the Devil in exchange for their souls. No turning back from that horrible faith, but the power granted upon them, the power to protect their families, their loved ones, was sometimes too much of a temptation to turn away from.

As monster began to die, big momma Calathea from above, the Mother Monster that had vomited her children upon Earth, began to get fed up with the Devil's antics. She did not like what she saw and her wrath took the lives of the sulfur slaves, making sure their souls would not reach the Sulfur King. She bore sons strong enough to take down entire countries and her daughters grew barren so that no hybrid would come from their womb. Those that escaped her anger kept their mouth tightly shut so that they would live.

The Devil did not enjoy Calathea's actions and as if to punish her from depriving Hell from the souls that rightfully belonged to it, he sent his own children, anger exploding into venomous bees, spitting acid and bile from its mouth. The monsters grew more powerful each passing day and began to see Earth as a comfortable ground for them, terrorizing humans, killing sulfur slaves, hating the Devil's children.

The children from human and monsters, those that escaped Calathea's killing spree, began to align to either monsters or humans, though most kept in neutral ground so that they would not get involved in the war. Humans continued to war against monsters and devils and sulfur slaves began to build cities to be guarded by them, keeping human life inside safely away from monsters.

Some humans were not happy with the arragements. Revolution began as a hush-hush, but the word spread throughout the world. Rebellion formed underground, exclusive to humans as any other could be a threat to their secrecy - sulfur slaves to the Devil and hybrids to the Mother Monster - albeit some branches would ally themselves with hybrids. But with the revolution came more difficulties and humans began to turn to faith and the prophet, Sebastien, speaking through charades that fed the hope of those that needed, told a story of humans conquering the Earth back - or so the true believers say.

those are monsters

*originals, - canon: monsters!, !info

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