Title: Talent Sampler Author/Artist: Pidge Character(s) or Pairing(s): Xiao Mei, Yong Soo, Chun Hei, Sen, Chao-Fu, Takahito. Rating: 18 Warnings: Death, violence, science, first person POV, oh my god how did this get so long. Summary: The Asia Branch has its own fair share of dark secrets, as one Xiao Mei is destined to find out.
Title: Can We Keep Him Author/Artist: nenamoo Character(s) or Pairing(s): Li Shui, Yao/Maya, Kiku Rating: 12 Warnings: Rampant confusion, Li Shui being a creeper. Summary: In which Yao and Maya are amused, Li Shui is confused, and Kiku is very annoyed.
Title: Complications Wear Bunny Slippers Author/Artist: megkips Characters and Pairing: Feliks, Gabriel Rating: PG 13 Warnings: None! Blame: Myself Summary: A continuation of All Mochi Go to Heaven and Some Mochi Go To Poland in which Eduard is now being hunted and Feliks makes everyone's life difficult.
Title: Fast and Furious: Autobahn Accelleration Author/Artist: hellzabeth Characters and Pairing: Ulbrecht, Ludwig, Briallen, Conall, Ingrid. Rating: THIS IS STUPIDWarnings: Really silly cars, OC-heavy, adorable little Ludwig
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Title: Some Mochi Go to Poland Author/Artist: megkips Characters and Pairing: Feliks, Toris, Eduard, Ravis Rating: THIS IS STUPID Warnings: Mochi. Mochi. Blame: Me Summary: A follow up to All Mochi Go to Heaven in which there are more Mochi. Also, Poland.
Title: All Mochi Go to Heaven Author/Artist: hellzabeth Characters and Pairing: Vash, Peter, Lydia, Ida, Alfred Rating: THIS IS STUPID Warnings: Mochi. Mochi.Blame: Megkips and alcohol
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