Title: Complications Wear Bunny Slippers
megkipsCharacters and Pairing: Feliks, Gabriel
Rating: PG 13
Warnings: None!
Blame: Myself
Summary: A continuation of
All Mochi Go to Heaven and
Some Mochi Go To Poland in which Eduard is now being hunted and Feliks makes everyone's life difficult.
Toris, I freaking swear, if you for- Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh )
Comments 1
Also Gabriel and Feliks interacting? MY DAY DOES NOT GET ANY BRIGHTER. You write them both so hnnngh. F-Fat Pony why are you so adorable I can't. Just. /grabby hands
DRAGONS ARE SRS BZN. And of course the mochi gave it all away. They fail at this spy work, seriously. Oh my god does this mean ANOTHER CAR CHASE?
Gabriel: *sunglasses* LET'S ROLL. B|
Antonio: B]
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