Title: Shooting into a Clown's Mouth
monroeslittle Genre: Veronica Mars (Mac, with background V/L and Mac/Dick)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Mac only visits Neptune once a year around the Christmas holiday. This Christmas holiday? This is the Christmas holiday from hell.
A/N: This is for free-for-all challenge for round seven of
vmfic_gameon. I used
hyperemmalawlz's prompt "Sweetie, your
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Comments 21
You hit on all the pain in what can come from their relationship--their respective issues with Cassidy--and the way that those issues bring them together.
Bringing up the issues between Madison and Mac also worked so well to illustrate all of Mac's issues with trusting people (because she's the one person in Neptune that never got to really address them as the show moved forward.)
Well done, and thanks for writing it!
This is lovely because it's so lightly done, even though there's so much going on. I love Logan, snarking kindly from the sidelines, and pregnant!Veronica, and wrong!Veronica, and a Dick who is truly himself, but in whom the kindness is visible. Fabulous job, and I'll be reading this again and again.
..."I think I'm spending too much time with Logan. He's such a bad influence on me. I'm so much less badass these days."
This made me smile. :)
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