Theosis (Gen, R ) - Final Chapter in the 'More' sequence

Mar 19, 2011 22:10

Characters: Sam, Dean, Castiel, Eve, Raphael, Lucifer, Michael, Adam

Word Count : 1141 This chapter

Warnings: blood, violence

You can read the whole work here over at AO3

Or here on LJ

Part 1 More
Part 2 Convection
Part 3 Inferno
Part 4 Equo ne Credite
Part 5 Purgatorio
Part 6 Paradiso

Final part was originally posted here at spnquotefic
For the quote prompt: Sam: "And this angel..." Gloria: "...spoke God's Word." Sam: "And the word was to kill someone?" Gloria: "I know, it's strange, but what I did was very important."

Sam looks down at Eve's corpse and then uses his foot to roll her over, revealing the last tiny piece of Purgatory.

Dean walks up next to Sam and sees the circle of rock get smaller and smaller.

"It's Michael's grace." Sam says.

Dean stares at Sam, "What is?"

"I gave you Michael's grace so you could survive this. That's why you feel different."

"You...b-but I didn't say yes!" Dean sputters.

Sam kneels down next to the small circle of Purgatory, "Relax, it's not Michael inside of you, just his grace."

Dean looks over his shoulder towards Sam's throne. The Cage looks dark. "I don't - Sam, damnit, I don't want any of Michael inside of me!"

Sam lets out a soft hiss, and Dean sees that Sam has his hand on the ground. The rift is covered entirely by his palm.

Castiel grabs Dean by the shoulder, "Dean we have to get out of here, now!"

Raphael chuckles from next to Sam's throne, "Showtime."

There is an audible snap as the last speck of Purgatory is devoured. The only warning Dean and Castiel get is a low, moaning noise from Sam, and then they are both flung violently backwards.

Sam is lying on the ground, on his side, writhing in agony and ecstasy as all the power of Purgatory flows into him. His eyes are clenched shut, and he is too preoccupied to notice any of the destruction he's causing. The air in his throne room is thick with energy, charged and indiscriminate. The throne changes, the bone structure of it glowing and shifting into a new configuration.

On the far side of the room, Castiel approaches Dean again, "Dean, please come with me. We need to leave before Sam -"

"No. I'm not going anywhere Cas. You think I'm just gonna leave Sam like this?" Dean snaps.

"It isn't Sam you should be worrying about. He'll be fine. Just - come with me." Castiel pleads.

"What part of 'no' do you not get?" Dean stops, and stares at Castiel. "Did you just...what did you just say about weapons?"

"I didn't say anything about the weapons, Dean"

The Cage trembles and then quakes violently as Sam sits up, throws his head back and roars.

Raphael walks over to the Cage and looks up expectantly. She grins as a shimmering body falls out of the crack running along the bottom of the Cage. She puts her arms out and catches it. At first, she is confused, because what falls into her arms doesn't feel like an angel. It's a beautiful but fragile thing, and entirely hollow. Its limbs look crystalline and graceful, but it strikes Raphael as a cruel mockery of divinity. There is no grace, not a trace of power. It opens its eyes, and Raphael gasps, "Lucifer!"

Lucifer blinks slowly and smiles, "Raphael, it's been a long time."

Raphael swallows, "What is this? What happened?"

Lucifer tries to answer but instead he coughs and to Raphael it sounds horrifically, undeniably mortal.


Castiel takes a step back, " Dean, I didn't say anything."

"No, you didn't. But I heard you anyway." Dean moves forward a step and locks his eyes with Castiel's. "You said - you thought- 'I have to find the weapons and get them out of here before Sam destroys those too.' So, would you care to explain what exactly that means?!"

"I had to hide the weapons where Raphael couldn't get to them. I - I had an agreement, to keep them here."

"An agreement? With whom?" Dean growls.

Castiel swallows, "With Crowley, and then with Meg after Crowley was...uncooperative. But...then Sam took over and he won't let me near them, and I need them, Dean. If I don't get them back, Heaven will fall."

Dean closes his eyes, nods once, looks at Castiel and punches him in the jaw, hard.


Raphael lays Lucifer down gently and says, "It will be all right soon. After Sam's done with his little tantrum, I'll bring you to him. I'll be right back." Lucifer curls up and whispers something, but Raphael can't hear him.

Raphael goes back to stand under the Cage, which has opened wider, and catches the next body that falls out. It is not Michael, as she was hoping, but Adam, the Winchesters' half-brother. He is blessedly unconscious. She groans and drops him. Pulling out her sword she says, "Sorry, but we certainly don't need you anymore. The only way this works out in our favor is if Michael has his true vessel." Raphael brings her blade down and stabs Adam in the heart.

Adam gasps and his eyes flare a brilliant white before extinguishing. Two large wings of ash appear on the ground and Raphael recoils in horror.

Lucifer lifts himself up on one arm, sees them and screams, "Michael!"


Castiel and Dean fight furiously. Dean staggers back as he feels his connection to Michael permanently severed. He hadn't even realized he'd had one until it vanished. Castiel grabs hold of Dean, sensing his momentary upper-hand and says, "We're leaving."


Raphael runs to Lucifer's side and kneels next to him. "I don't understand! I sensed nothing of Michael - I only wanted to kill the boy!"

Lucifer looks at Raphael and tells her everything. She sees inside the Cage. Sees Lucifer as his grace is ripped violently from him by Sam. In the split second it takes Sam to take Michael's grace too, Lucifer and Michael have minutes. Lucifer, in a panic,  tells Michael to hide inside Adam. Maybe he'll be safer there. He isn't.

Raphael is crying. It isn't something she's done very often. She thinks the last time she cried was when Lucifer fell.

Lucifer, weak as he is, speaks again, "He forgave me. After all this time, Michael...and you, you took him from me. You killed my brother!"

"It was an accident, Lucifer, I didn't-" Raphael forgets how to speak when she sees Sam, rising to his feet, wavering only slightly, as he walks towards them.

Lucifer sees Sam and makes a hysterical noise somewhere between crying and laughing. Sam stops next to them and looks at Lucifer. Lucifer can feel what's left of him start to disintegrate. He feels an odd sense of peace, looks back at Sam - at his eyes white, yellow, fire, and as he sees Sam turn towards Raphael, Lucifer begs Sam, "Make it hurt."

Sam looks at Raphael, and she begins to bleed - from her eyes, from her mouth and from the cut that makes its way slowly across her throat. Sam eyes her hungrily.


Castiel has Dean trapped in some form of holding pattern. Dean's not clear on how he's doing it, but he's keeping Castiel from taking them away - just barely. They both lose their concentration when they hear Raphael start to scream, and Dean - in desperation, yells, "SAM! Help!"

Sam appears next to them, licking angel blood from his thumb like it's honey.

He turns to Castiel and smiles.

Previous Chapter : Paradiso   on to Part 2: Apotheosis Sequence   back to Masterpost

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