Special Edition of the Sam Winchester's Shirts are Overrated! Newsletter
Please behold these two interviews from the Paleyfest!
please note they are flash- so if you are on an iPad these will not work : (
source Ok, now that you have sat back down after falling out of your chair due to flailing from all the massive spoilers
The words of the prophet Jim are as follows:
"You have never seen as much Sam as you will see in the last episode."
Now considering what "Jared" said (I don't know why Sam keeps referring to himself in the third person- he must have been having a bad day- he is clearly undercover researching a case involving celebrities!)
I think there are two potential scenarios here.
The finale will involve Sam completely naked!!!
The finale will involve multiple versions of Sam (likely in Sam's mind)
Personally, I would be thrilled with either- though obviously the first one would be the crowning moment of the entire series \o/
Which do you think will happen?
Poll BEST SEASON FINALE EVER! Y/Y Do you have other interpretations?
Poor Sam must be so tired from walking around doing "interviews" all day. Now he needs to rest:
Issue# 1 Issue# 2 Issue# 3