Sam, Lucifer and demon blood : a season 5 pre-finale speculation post

May 09, 2010 13:14

I originally wrote most of this in a thread on TwoP in response to several comments about what Castiel said to Sam about demon blood in "Two Minutes to Midnight"

It seems many people thought that Castiel was confirming that Sam's powers came from the demon blood. I had the opposite reaction.

Here's the conversation:

Castiel: "There's also the demon blood." "To take in Lucifer would be more than you've ever drunk."
Sam: "But why?"
C: "Strengthens the vessel. Keeps it from exploding."
S: "But the guy he's in now..."
C: "He's drinking gallons."

Now I still think is widely open to interpretation mind you, but I actually took this as confirmation that the blood has nothing to do with Sam's powers, and everything to do with Lucifer. I'd been trying to figure out why Lucifer wanted Sam drinking blood and thought for a while maybe it tied in to his anger issues, since his fuse always seemed particularly short when drinking the blood.
However, Castiel says here that it strengthens the vessel and keeps him from exploding.
This not only explains why Ruby wanted Sam drinking the blood in the first place, but also gives it a purpose separate from Sam's power. Here's what I can't figure out: does the blood make him stronger only physically as a vessel, or does it also aid him mentally?
I'm going to guess only physically because there is not benefit to Lucifer if Sam is better able to resist Lucifer when drinking the blood. Let's not forget- Lucifer made demons what they are, and is thus essentially the creator of demon blood.
Likely, part of Lucifer's punishment is to not be able to take a vessel long-term, and the demon-blood is his loophole. Of course, if this means Sam needs to continue to drink blood while Lucifer inhabits him, then it wouldn't be very smart of Lucifer to eliminate either humans or demons, would it?

What role do you all think demon blood will play in the finale?

sam, meta, supernatural

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