Mistake Number Three

Nov 06, 2005 12:07

Title: Mistake Number Three - Epilogue
Author: dylan_dufresne
Pairing: BB/DM
Rating: NC-17
Summary: In a perfect world, lovers wake up with a kiss and their wishes all come true.
Feedback: Would be greatly appreciated as it’s my drug of choice. Just one more time? Please? It’s like the yummy frosting on a sinfully delicious cake.
Disclaimer: Not at all true in reality.
A/N: Huge thanks to frojane for being my beta for this very difficult series. Saying thank you seems so inadequate a word to express my gratitude for your invaluable help and support during this journey. *hugs you tight* You are amazing. Thank you, sweetie.
A/N 2: I also need to thank those who have commented so faithfully with each update. Opening my email and reading your responses was such a gift. I appreciate it more than I can possibly say. Thank you, so very much. Okay, now I’m done. Go read. :)
Previous Parts: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19


Bracing one hand on the headboard above him, Dom clutches at Billy’s sweaty back with the other, the muscles flexing under his long, elegant fingers as their bodies slam together passionately. Whimpering profusely at the erotic sensations rushing through his lithe body, Dom bucks and writhes wildly, delicious words of encouragement falling from his swollen mouth when he’s not thrusting his long tongue between Billy’s cherubic lips.

With Dom’s left leg hooked over his forearm, Billy brushes his cock over Dom’s sweet spot, again and again, rocking his hips faster, desperate to bring their bodies to an intense, satisfying climax. Craving closer contact with his flexible lover, Billy presses down and increases the intensity of his movements, much to Dom’s enjoyment, as he demonstrates by tightening his other leg around Billy’s trim waist, moaning loudly in ecstasy.

Dom is chanting the same word, over and over again as he teeters unsteadily on the edge of bliss, longing to fall into the abyss of orgasm. Eyes meeting, Dom nods frantically, and pants the small word against Billy’s lips. Yes. A moment later, Dom is screaming and gasping as Billy thrusts in, to the hilt, stretching Dom to the limit as Dom’s name falls breathlessly from his lips and he fills Dom with his hot, slippery warmth. Arching up off the mattress, Dom lets himself go, coating Billy’s stomach with his glistening release before collapsing back onto the bed, limp and spent.

Releasing Dom’s leg, Billy sinks gratefully into Dom’s waiting arms, completely exhausted, whispering loving words before their lips meet in a long, tongue tangling kiss. Once the first aftershock of their shared orgasm passes, Billy snuggles into Dom’s embrace, face nuzzled against the side of Dom’s damp, slender neck. Hearts slowing and breath returning to normal as the morning sun falls in warm rays across the bed, Billy murmurs incoherently and laps at Dom’s neck with feathery, soothing licks as Dom’s long, elegant fingers trail up and down his narrow, sweaty back in slow, soothing caresses.

A couple of minutes later, Billy pushes himself up on to his elbows and smoothes Dom’s sleep and sex rumpled hair off his face, playfully rubbing their noses together. “Good morning, my love,” he says softly.

Laughing softly and gently, Dom nuzzles back. “I’ll say.”

Worried that he’s crushing Dom, Billy starts to move, pulling back, but he is quickly stopped by Dom’s hands on his arse, his feet resting on the back of Billy’s calves.

“Stay,” Dom requests softly, gazing deep into Billy’s eyes. “Just a little bit longer, Bills.”

“For as long as you want,” Billy promises, bringing their lips together in another soft kiss as he slides back in, all the way to the hilt.

“I love how you wake me up with kisses,” Dom murmurs, a slow, sexy smile turning up the corners of his mouth.

“I love making love to you when you’re all sleepy,” Billy replies, his eyes twinkling. “And so bendy.”

When Dom giggles, Billy smiles. “And I love it when you laugh.”

“God I love waking up with you inside me, Bills,” Dom says, his hands sliding up so they’re resting at the small of Billy’s back, pressing ever so gently. “It’s the best way to start the day.”

Subtly rolling his hips and brushing his cock over Dom’s sweet spot again, Billy smiles at the gasp and ragged moan of pleasure that pours from Dom’s swollen lips. Watching Dom arch up into his touch, fills Billy with a joy that he can barely contain, and knowing that he gives Dom such enjoyment, every single day, only makes Billy want Dom more.

“The noises you make are so amazingly sexy, love,” he says in a low, seductive murmur. “So beautiful.”

“You keep doing that,” Dom warns breathlessly, “And I’m going to come. Again.”

“Don’t tease me,” Billy fires back, drawing Dom’s lower lip into his mouth and nibbling gently before fusing their mouths together.

“I thought that was my line,” Dom teases when they part for some much needed oxygen.

“So, uh, you seemed a wee bit surprised this morning when you opened your eyes and I was inside you,” Billy says, stilling his hips and quirking an eyebrow as his small fingers absently play with the long blonde strands of hair falling over Dom’s forehead. “Or was I imagining it?”

Cheeks pinking, Dom nods in agreement. “Well yeah, I guess was a little surprised. I mean, three times last night and then again this morning? I know you think I’m a sexy bastard and that you’ve got a very healthy sex drive there, Bills, but that’s a lot, even for us. I didn’t think you’d have the energy this morning.”

“Wait. Three times?” Billy repeats, brow furrowing in thought.

“If you count that hand job in the loo at the restaurant last night,” Dom explains with a soft smile. “When you put your hands on me and we kissed so hard to keep quiet, so nobody would catch us.”

“Right,” Billy agrees warmly. “Do you think your Mum noticed?”

“That we disappeared into the loo together for ten minutes, and then came back all flushed and staring at each other like we wanted to tear each others clothes off?” Dom asks, his tone rather bemused. “Maybe. Mum is rather perceptive that way.”

“Oh God,” Billy groans, letting his head fall into the crook of Dom’s neck for a few moments. “I’m suddenly very glad they decided to stay in a hotel than with us. I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready to sit at the breakfast table, looking at your Mum and Dad, knowing that they were just down the hall from-”

“Where you’d been shagging me through the mattress rather spectacularly?” Dom offers with a grin and a warm, wet kiss.

“Especially last night,” Billy comments with a suggestive smirk. “You, my love, were very loud.”

Immediately blushing to the tips of his ears, Dom’s eyes widen in surprise. “No, I wasn’t.”

“Oh yes, you were,” Billy insists, his eyes twinkling. “I love it when you’re loud. We’re just lucky that we don’t have neighbors with all the noise last night. It was really hot, Dommie, though I am very sorry about your shirt.”

Remembering how Billy had practically ripped the material from his slender body in their urgent need to touch bare skin and bring their bodies together intimately, Dom sighs.

“Yeah, I rather liked that shirt,” he comments sadly. “It was a nice color.”

“Sorry,” Billy repeats softly. “It was just so lovely on you, bringing out your beautiful eyes.”

“But I’ve worn that shirt before,” Dom interjects. “Lots of times.”

“But not with this eyeliner,” Billy adds, fingertips smudging the remains of the thin, charcoal lines on Dom’s eyelids, a low groan of lust rumbling in his chest, making Dom vibrate beneath him. “You were driving me crazy all through dinner at the restaurant, looking so beautiful. When we got home and we were alone, I just couldn’t help myself, Dommie. I had to touch you, make love with you.”

“It’s alright. This’ll just be the last time you shag me.”

For a fraction of a second Billy’s eyes flash wide, and then he laughs, catching the mischievous twinkle in his lover’s expressive blue-grey eyes. Carefully withdrawing and kissing Dom though his whimpering protest at the loss of the intimate connection, Billy lays down on his side, pulls the coverlet up to keep them warm, and cuddles Dom to his chest. Guiding one of Dom’s legs up to wrap around his hip, Billy slowly slides his knee along Dom’s inner thigh to snuggle against Dom’s arousal. Lastly, Billy tucks Dom’s head under his chin and kisses his hair, fingers stroking the nape of his neck. It’s one of their favorite positions to cuddle in, after making love.

“You know, in a way, you’re right,” Billy replies, after considering Dom’s words for a few moments. “This is the last time I’ll make love to you. As a uni student.”

“Mmmm,” Dom agrees with a sigh, nuzzling into Billy’s soft, warm chest hair. “Yeah, since as of this afternoon I’ll be a uni graduate.”

“At the top of your class, no less,” Billy adds proudly, pulling their bodies even closer together and pressing several kisses to Dom’s cheek while his small fingers stroke the length of Dom’s spine.

“Number four in my class, Bills,” Dom corrects.

“My brilliant, beautiful, wanton lover,” Billy murmurs with a fond smile. “Who is so incredibly amazing, he had job offers to choose from before he even graduates and receives his diploma.”

“It’s because of you,” Dom says softly, breath warm against Billy’s chest, long fingers trailing over Billy’s bicep. “All of this.”

“Hey, you’re the one who did all the work, love,” Billy protests. “I didn’t do it. You’re the one who spent hours and hours studying, working so hard, every single day.”

“But it was you who inspired me, Bills,” Dom continues, wriggling up his trim body, cupping Billy’s pixie-like face in his hands and bringing their mouths together for a long, tender kiss. “You believed in me, gave me a chance when I had nowhere else to go, and that made all the difference. I have an amazing life, all because of you, baby. I’m happy, I am loved, and now I have a job where I can help kids who are in trouble, in danger of losing themselves, just like I was. I can show them that they’re not alone, that there is a way out. They can be happy again.”

“You’re going to be fantastic at it, Dommie,” Billy says with a firm nod, eyes sparkling with joy. “I just know it. I have faith in you.”

“It’s going to be so strange, not working side by side with you anymore,” Dom comments, laying his head down on the pillow and gazing at Billy. “I’m used to looking across the room in the book shop and seeing you there. We’ve done it for so long.”

“More than four and a half years now,” Billy says, shaking his head in amazement. “Where does the time go, love? Feels like you started your A levels yesterday.”

“At least I’ll be close by,” Dom says with a smile, trailing his fingers through Billy’s ginger chest hair, palm resting over his heart. “The Centre is just a few blocks over.”

“Does this means you can come home for lunch?” Billy asks with wickedly suggestive grin.

“I think that can be arranged,” Dom agrees in a low, seductive voice, snuggling close, ducking his head and pressing a tender kiss to the side of Billy’s throat.

“Have I told you lately how proud I am of you?” Billy asks softly when their eyes meet again.

“A couple of times last night at the restaurant, but I never get tired of hearing it,” Dom replies, unable to stop the corners of his mouth turning up into a joyful smile.

“We need to visit Manchester more often,” Billy announces after thinking for a few moments. “Your Mum and Dad miss you so much. I could see it in their eyes last night at dinner.”

“I miss them, too, but it helps them to know that I’m happy and in such good hands, Bills,” Dom replies, kissing both of Billy’s cheeks and then his mouth. “With you. Mum considers you an angel, since you’re the one who brought me home to them.”

“Yeah, I know.” Billy smiles fondly, recalling how Dom’s parents had eagerly welcomed him into their arms when they’d come for their first visit. Aureen’s grey-blue eyes were brimming with grateful tears as she hugged and thanked Billy, over and over again, for the precious gift of her son’s return. Then she and Austin had been further overjoyed to discover that Billy and Dom were a couple, very much in love. “But I get to see you every day, Dommie. They don’t. They’re still trying to make up for the four years that you were lost to them.”

Dom nods thoughtfully, briefly gnawing on his lower lip. “You’re right. As soon as I get some vacation days, we’ll go see them, yeah?”

“I’m sure they’ll love it when you tell them this afternoon at the graduation ceremony,” Billy says warmly. “Speaking of, I can’t wait to watch you walk across that stage in your cap and gown, and pick up your diploma. All your hard work has paid off, Dommie.”

“You know, every night as I fall asleep, I think I couldn’t possibly be happier,” Dom murmurs loving, gazing into Billy’s sparkling green eyes. “And then I wake up and it’s better, because I have another day with you.”

“And you call me a romantic,” Billy replies, a faint blush coloring his cheeks as their lips meet in a soft kiss. “Daftie.”

“What can I say? I’ve had a very good teacher,” Dom informs him, their noses touching and nuzzling affectionately.

Sinking into Billy’s welcoming arms, Dom rolls them over so he is sprawled over Billy, the lightly tanned skin of his bare back glistening in the morning sunlight, his tongue sliding eagerly between Billy’s cherubic lips to taste his sweetness. Rocking his hips in a seductive rhythm and feeling Billy squirm desperately as he whimpers beneath him, Dom giggles and works his way between Billy’s legs while ardently kissing him into submission. It’s long minutes later when Dom finally breaks the contact and sits up, resting his arse on Billy’s thighs, fingers trailing lazily through the curly chest hair, all the way down to Billy’s rapidly stiffening arousal.

“What?” Dom says softly when he catches Billy staring intently at him.

“You get more beautiful every single day, Dommie,” Billy replies, gazing at the gorgeous expanse of golden skin before him. “You’re so amazing.”

“Thank you, baby,” Dom murmurs, leaning down and bringing their lips together in a sizzling kiss. “It’s all for you.”

“So are you going to finish what you started?” Billy asks, just a hint of begging in his low, seductive voice, small, pointy tongue daring out to tease at Dom’s lips. “It’s been almost a week since you-”

Billy is unable to continue talking because Dom’s tongue is buried in his mouth and Dom is shifting, nudging Billy’s thighs open wide so he can settle between them. Bodies are writhing together and passionate kisses exchanged when Dom suddenly pulls back and shakes his blonde hair out of his eyes.

“What time is it?” Dom asks breathlessly. “Did the alarm go off?”


Glancing over at the nightstand, Dom gasps.

“Fuck! Look at the time!” he cries, kicking back the coverlet and pushing himself up onto his hands and knees. “I’m so late!”

“What?” Billy says, pushing himself up onto his elbows and looking over at the clock. “Dommie, the ceremony isn’t until this afternoon.”

“But my orientation at the Centre is this morning,” Dom reminds him, scrambling out of bed in a mad rush. “I’m supposed to be there in an hour and a half.”

“Oh fuck!”

Quickly following Dom out of bed, Billy reaches out and takes Dom by the arm, guiding him so their face to face.

“It’s alright, Dommie. You’ll be okay. On time. No problem.”

“But there’s so much I was going to do this morning,” Dom says, panic rising in his throat.

“What?” Billy asks. “What were you going to do?”

“Well, I was going to lay out my suit for graduation and clothes for orientation last night, but then we ended up in bed, not that I’m complaining, of course, and-”

“Take a breath, love,” Billy instructs, interrupting Dom’s ramble with a soothing smile.

“But, my suit-”

“I’ll take care of it,” Billy promises. “Go take a shower, wash off that eyeliner and shave the scruff. Take it easy or you’ll cut yourself.”

“Bills, you’re all-” Looking down, Dom gestures to Billy’s obvious arousal.

“It’s alright, Dommie,” Bill soothes. “Don’t worry about it.”

“I’ll make it up to you, baby,” Dom promises, cuddling close and pressing a warm kiss to Billy’s lips. “Tonight.”

“Yes, I know you will,” Billy agrees with a suggestive grin. “How about in the bathtub?”

Dom’s eyes darken as lust steals his breath. “Definitely,” he manages to say.

Before they can kiss and lose track of time again, Billy gives Dom a light tap on his arse and points to the loo. “Go.”

Quickly kissing Billy’s cheek one last time, Dom dashes across the room, the water in the shower turning on a few moments later to fill the quiet. Shaking his head and laughing lightly, Billy reaches down to grab the boxer shorts he discarded the night before and wipes Dom’s glittering release off his belly. Tossing the shorts and the rest of their hastily removed clothes into the laundry bin, Billy grabs his robe from the closet. Slipping silently out of the bedroom, Billy walks down the hall to the kitchen, only to return two minutes later.

Opening the door to Dom’s side of their shared closet, Billy pulls out a crisp, tailored black suit, the one reserved for very special occasions, and a pair of polished leather dress shoes. In nearly six years, this is only the third time Dom will have worn the suit and shoes combination. Billy hasn’t told Dom that he had the suit sent out for cleaning and pressing less than a week ago, in preparation for this day.

Straightening the rumpled coverlet at the end of the bed, Billy carefully lays the suit down and places the shoes on the floor before returning to the closet. Taking out several dress shirts, he narrows it to two choices, and then walks over to the open door of the loo.

“Do you want a white shirt or the blue one?” he calls inside to Dom.

“The blue one?” Dom repeats, the disbelief obvious in his tone. “The one that goes with the suit that you surprised me with for graduation when I finished my A levels? What do you think?”

“Blue it is,” Billy says with a smile, walking across the room and laying the shirt down on top of the suit.

Returning to the closet again, Billy carefully selects three ties from a collection of dozens. One patterned, one striped, and one solid. Dom has more ties and scarves than Billy has even seen in his whole life, but he considers it to be just one more crazy quirk that makes Dom adorably unique. Wrinkling his nose at the patterned tie, Billy hangs it back up and walks into the loo, taking a moment to watch Dom shower through the clear, plastic curtain.

“Striped or solid tie?” Bill says, eyes following the soap bubbles as they slide down his lover’s beautiful, slender body.

“Which one do you like?” Dom asks over the sound of the running water, glancing over and then grinning when he spots Billy watching him with unrepentant lust.

“Solid one matches your eyes,” Billy says fondly.

“Sounds good to me.”

Before he’s tempted to slip into the shower with Dom and indulge in a favorite fantasy or two, Billy leaves the room, adding black socks and a smooth leather belt to the pile. Brow furrowing in thought, Billy walks back over to the closet as the water in the loo is turned off.

“What are you wearing to the Centre?” he asks.

“Janeanne said to be casual,” Dom replies, voice muffled for a moment as he rubs a towel over his wet hair. “I thought I’d wear my favorite blue denims, black t-shirt and the long-sleeved red shirt over top. Oh, and my black boots. Nothing too fancy.”

In less than two minutes, the outfit Dom has just described is laid out on their bed next to the suit, shoes on the floor, and Billy sighs to himself, knowing just how lovely Dom is going to look in it. After laying a pair of socks and a few accessories on top of the clothing, Billy leaves the room, returning to the kitchen as Dom smoothes shaving creme over the lower half of his face, having wrapped a towel around his slim hips.

A short time later, Dom emerges from the loo, face freshly shaved and sun kissed blonde hair dry and tousled about in an endearing, chaotic mess. When he spots the two sets of clothing laid out on the bed with such obvious care, Dom stops short for a moment, then crosses the room with a soft, intimate smile gracing his boyish features.

“Oh, Bills,” he sighs, reaching down and picking up the black leather cuffs and silver rings that Billy had placed there, slipping them onto his wrists and long, elegant fingers. “How did I get so lucky?” he asks softly.

“You let me love you,” Billy replies quietly, sliding an arm around Dom’s slender waist before placing a kiss to Dom’s glistening shoulder, just above the tattoo on his bicep that reads, ‘Living is easy with eyes closed’.

When Dom had the line from his favorite Beatles song permanently inked onto his body, Billy was there, holding Dom’s other hand, offering his unconditional support. Only the two of them know the significance of the words, and all that Dom has overcome to be able to smile again, and truly be happy.

Turning in Billy’s embrace, Dom snuggles closer, pressing a kiss to Billy’s scruffy cheek and then their lips are meeting in soft, openmouthed kisses. Pulling back in surprise, Dom smiles as he licks his lips.

“You taste like coffee.”

Returning Dom’s smile, Billy offers the steaming mug clasped in his free hand.

“I had to taste it to make sure it had enough sugar for you,” he replies simply with a noncommittal shrug of his shoulders.

“You are so good to me, Bills,” Dom says with a happy sigh, taking the cup. Inhaling the delicious aroma, Dom takes a long sip and then another, with a murmur of pleasure, because it tastes so good.

“You’re very easy to be good to,” Billy says affectionately, sliding the fingers of one hand into the fine strands of blonde hair at the nape of Dom’s neck. “I love you.”

“Love you, too, Bills,” Dom replies. “More and more every day.”

“Put that down for a minute?” Billy requests, then takes the cup back and sets it on the nightstand. “I want to finish something that we started at the restaurant, but got interrupted by your Mum for dessert.”

Dom’s eyes widen. “Bills, I’d love to, but we don’t have time. I’m all showered-”

“Not that,” Billy says, gently shaking his head with a knowing smile. “You were dancing with me. Remember?”

Before Dom can say another word, he is swept up in Billy’s strong arms and they are pressed together from nose to knees, moving as though there is music playing.

“You, Billy Boyd, are crazy,” Dom says with a laugh as Billy waltzes him slowly around the room, swaying gently from side to side.

“In love with you,” Billy replies softly, trailing feathery kisses along Dom’s freshly shaved jaw line.

Reaching between their bodies, Billy pulls at the tie on his robe until the material falls open and then he tugs at the towel wrapped around Dom’s narrow waist, causing it to drop to the floor. A moment later, Dom is enveloped in the welcoming warmth of the robe and cuddled against Billy’s soft, bare skin. Feeling Billy’s hand against his back, the other on his arse, holding the robe around them, Dom snuggles in closer. The sensation of their naked bodies pressed together is Dom’s favorite, and nothing gives Billy more pleasure than to give Dom what he loves.

“Well, since you promised to spend the rest of your life with me, I should hope so,” Dom says, eyes sparkling as he gazes fondly at his ring clad finger. The simple platinum band glitters in the morning sunlight, as it has since Billy placed it there during a candlelit ceremony with their family and friends, on the second anniversary of the day they met. An identical ring proudly graces Billy’s small finger, the matching jewelry a public symbol of their life long commitment to each other.

“So do you still think of it as mistake number three?” Billy asks softly. “You know, falling in love with me?”

Dom frowns in thought for a moment. “Yes.”

Billy gasps with surprise. “What?”

Laughing, Dom captures Billy’s cherubic mouth in a lingering kiss, their tongues touching softly and sweetly. When their mouths finally part, Dom cups Billy’s face in his hands so he can look deep into Billy’s warm green eyes.

“Falling in love with you, Bills,” Dom declares tenderly, his face alight with uninhibited joy, “Was the best mistake I ever made.”

* * * * *


You can start reading the sequel here.
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