
Oct 20, 2009 21:36

Watched the first couple episodes of Wakfu, it's really cool so far! Though a tad confusing, all this fantasy-world jargon being thrown around XD It's a neat French cartoon based on an MMO, I think it's all made in Flash, but it's done VERY well. It looks a bit strange at first when you see the animation, but it grows on you and the action scenes ( Read more... )

xabungle, random fandom, mr. driller, yu-gi-oh 5d's, pokemon, mario

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Comments 2

missmorrichan October 21 2009, 04:05:03 UTC
W-Wakfu! Aah! Aah! Someone else has heard of it!

I loooove the design of that show *_* Not just 'cause of how impressive the flash animation is, but simply the look of everything! The outfits, the backgrounds, the whole world is just super-cool looking.

Evangelyne is the best character! Because... no, no, I'll jinx myself if I say why. *shifty eyes*

MILLION FANARTS OF EVERYTHING YES. I miss seeing your adorable art and your mind-bogglingly amazing MS Paint sketches ;m; HOW DO YOU DO IT.


momogirl12345 October 21 2009, 04:14:09 UTC
yeah! *_* I had an interest in it for a while but finally got around to watching it! My faves are the kid (yugo?) and Amalia, she has one of my favorite designs so far <33 I'll have to see about that other girl, no real opinion of her yet haha, though I like her design too, mostly her face XD

awww I've just been in such a block lately, I thikn the weight of commissions isn't helping either D: I gotta work hard to finish those (and like the 5 OLD OLD WAY LATE ones I have) so I can feel more free!...sob


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