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Comments 15

jadedanddark October 9 2006, 05:27:04 UTC
Definately, teh awx0m3. I will always respect him with all my heart after seeing him kick so very much ass as the Goblin King.
And because Nirvana (*loves*) remade his "The Man Who SOld the World." That's two hits in one, you know. Of awesomecakes.


captnofmyheart October 9 2006, 14:51:18 UTC
ROFL!! that comic is too funny...

and yes, he ROCKED as the Goblin King...for a long while afterward I had a thing for tall beanpole blonde English guys...

actually I still do kinda...only now they are are Tall Blonde and WOW.


mollyringwraith October 11 2006, 01:16:16 UTC
I've had a thing for beanpole English guys for some time, though not precisely because of Bowie. Still, he doesn't hurt the obsession--he looks *great* for his age!


naill_renfro October 12 2006, 05:32:23 UTC
"I'm tall," said Ron inconsequentially.


mollyringwraith October 12 2006, 20:35:26 UTC
Heheh. Well, from my 5'3" perspective, a lot of people are, actually.


threerings October 9 2006, 21:19:46 UTC
Ooo, thank you for that. I've been obsessed with Bowie recently, as a addendum to my current Labyrinth obesession (it's at least the 2nd or 3rd time around for both fixations.)

I think I need to save a copy of this.


threerings October 9 2006, 21:25:52 UTC
Right, it's been a rough day. I really can spell obsession.


mollyringwraith October 11 2006, 01:16:56 UTC
I need to see Labyrinth again...haven't since I was a kid. *Netflixes it*


kimuracarter October 10 2006, 01:08:35 UTC
Um, I'm sad to report that I don't really find him "cool." To me, he's just kind of weird.


mollyringwraith October 11 2006, 01:17:43 UTC
That's okay; I don't expect any vote to be absolutely unanimous. :) And of course he is indeed weird...but that's part of the attraction to some of us who are weird ourselves, perhaps.


naill_renfro anonymous October 10 2006, 04:19:42 UTC
Cool, beyond question. When I was a teenager in London I was an obnoxious music snob -- I once refused to have anything to do with a perfectly pleasant classmate (despite the fact that I was a teenage boy, she was a teenage girl, and mutual friends assured me that she Liked Me) for no other reason than that I had once seen her wearing a Bruce Springsteen T-shirt. (Springsteen fans: I have seen the error of my ways, and learned greater tolerance for other belief systems!) But David Bowie was the only musician whose awesomeness sufficient to overcome even the fact that *my mom* was (and is) a huge Bowie fan ( ... )


Re: naill_renfro mollyringwraith October 11 2006, 01:21:08 UTC
Not boring at all! Wonderful food for thought. I love the idea of the artifice/authenticity spectrum. I was in fact thinking that Johnny Cash would probably be voted "cool" by almost as wide a margin of the population.

Makes me wonder where The Cure would fall on it--a band I was obsessed with in my early 20s. Tempted to say "artifice," what with Robert Smith's makeup and swoony posing, but then again, the appeal was all about the raw sincere angst, so maybe they had some authenticity going too. Can a band choose some of both without being mediocre? Of course, some of the Cure's albums, especially more recent ones, *were* mediocre, so there you go...


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