Lost: That Was The Season That Was

May 26, 2006 09:05

Guess I should say something about ( where Lost ended up this season )

gone with the wind, lost

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Comments 18

sopdetly May 26 2006, 16:58:09 UTC
since the plane crash was apparently really an accident. Or not.

Not. 1000 miles off course before the system failure? No way it's an accident.

about his imaginary friend Dave, and Libby's dead husband David. Wouldn't it be funny if the writers just did that by accident?

I suspect not...but it could be like JKR tossing a "Mark Evans" into OotP. (Evans was Lily Potter's maiden name.) Fans speculated for months (years?) about the connection, until JKR finally 'fessed up that it was just a name, and she never even considered the potential connection.

However, Lost makes a much bigger deal about these connections, so I'm inclined to think it means something (especially considering the way Libby was staring at Hurley in the hospital, while he was "hallucinating" Dave.

Jack/Sawyer/Kate: Enough is enough. Jack and Saywer can mansex each other, and I'll take Kate. Sound fair? :P

I feel very sad for Locke, if only because I do understand him. It's been painful to see him so unsure of himself.


mollyringwraith May 30 2006, 01:50:08 UTC
I do sort of like the idea that Dave was one of the people killed in Hurley's deck crash incident.

Jack and Saywer can mansex each other, and I'll take Kate.

Hehehe. I imagine fanfic has already taken care of the first part. And Lilly *is* awful purdy, annoying though Kate sometimes is.


terrylj May 26 2006, 17:08:41 UTC
"Wouldn't it be funny if the writers just did that by accident?"

No. *coughMarkEvanscough*

However, apparently Desmond's middle name is also David? Saw that on the intarweb somewhere, although mayhap I am confusing him with the philosopher David Hume.

Also, given that there are now four people "named" Tom (Claire's babyDaddy, Kate's dead ex-boyfriend, JackDaddy [nicknamed by AnaL], and the Gorton's Fisherman) on the island...either there's something up with these names, or the writers have the Reader's Digest Condensed Version of the Baby Name Book.


mollyringwraith May 30 2006, 01:51:02 UTC
Hume, John Locke...they're so subtle with the philosophers. :)

Heh, and 'Bad Twin' as the manuscript--yeah, some obsession with twins going on here. Doppelgangers?


jigglykat May 26 2006, 18:36:59 UTC
Have you read "Bad Twin"? After the finale, there are a lot more connections to the book. I wrote some in my journal if you want to check!



mollyringwraith May 30 2006, 01:51:34 UTC
Haven't read it, but saw it in the bookstore and was curious. Craziness. They make my head hurt sometimes with their plot tangles. :)


second_banana May 26 2006, 18:58:12 UTC
I love that you are not enamored with Jack the way some on the interwebs are. And YAY for using the word doula correctly in a sentance!

I am all sorts of curious about Libby now. Shame she's deaded.



mollyringwraith May 30 2006, 01:52:49 UTC
Having given birth 4 months ago, and with a certified nurse-midwife sister, and a mom who taught childbirth classes, I'd be pretty ignorant if I *couldn't* use "doula" in a sentence. :)

Seems we're at least getting Libby in flashbacks still, so the curiosity will probably be appeased to some degree.


snorklewacker May 26 2006, 19:01:39 UTC
Heckuva season finale, wasn't it?

Mrs. Snorklewacker speculated that perhaps Hurley's imaginary friend and Libby's late hubby (Libby-hubby? Lubby? Whatever--fun to say...) were in fact one and the same person...and that he was one of the people killed when the porch collapsed under Hurley. That would explain why Hurley's hallucinating him, and why she was so obsessed with him, if she knew what happened.

Woowoo, second appearance by Clancy Brown, too. That was great, although given all the little twists they've thrown in, I half-expected him to come hopping off the boat with Henry at the end.

Kate looks so cute tied up! (Whoops, did I say that out loud?)


mollyringwraith May 30 2006, 01:53:50 UTC
I like the deck theory. Nice and tidy.

Is that a Bloom County icon? Go you! :D

Heh, I almost wrote that Sawyer looked good tied up. Somehow I suspect the film's creators knew the fans would think along these lines.


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