Lost: That Was The Season That Was

May 26, 2006 09:05

Guess I should say something about where "Lost" ended up this season...

Alphabetically by name:

Charlie: May have lost his hearing in one ear, but that never stopped a rock musician. Due to his endearing ability to steal vaccines, shoot himself up with one, throw statues into the water (not that Claire knows that), refrain from stealing baby for at least a week, and stagger out of explosion without being dead, he has earned a kiss from Claire. Aww. Mind you, compared to the other kisses on this island so far, it was so tame that she might have followed it up with "You're like the brother I never had." But he looked happy. Let's hope his character survives the next season too, because hey, he's our hobbit.

Claire: Either throwing a bone to poor Charlie, or genuinely interested in snagging a daddy figure for Aaron. Or realizes that, given how the island kills 2.3 people per day, she better act fast if she ever wants to have sex again. In free time, happily gives her vulnerable infant injections of God knows what. Back in the real world, her psychic may be part of Dharma/Hanso/etc., or may really be a psychic since the plane crash was apparently really an accident. Or not.

Desmond: Is cute with a shave and a haircut! Who knew? Hope he didn't die. Also, he has a devoted ex out there whose daddy may be head of Dharma/Hanso/etc. Or not. In any case there's some connection to Siberia.

Eko: I'm building a church. No I'm not. I'm Locke's new bestest friend. No I'm not. I'm making them push the button. No I'm not (though I tried). I'm practically the last survivor of the tailies. Yes I am! Except for Bernard. But I might not have survived that dynamite, so I might not be that either.

Hurley: Having been deprived of the pretty girl, I thought for a second that he might just snap and kill Michael. But no. Instead his new job is to go back to camp and report Jack, Kate, and Sawyer as POW's. To which the camp will say, "Good; those three were annoying anyhow." Speculation abounds on the intarweb, meanwhile, about his imaginary friend Dave, and Libby's dead husband David. Wouldn't it be funny if the writers just did that by accident?

Jack: His little "plan" nearly got him a mutiny on the way to the Others. Which probably would have served him right. Now in the hands of the "hillbillies," one almost hopes that someone will notice what a purdy mouth he has. All right, that wasn't nice of me. It will be punishment enough when Kate hooks up with Sawyer in the next palm-frond jail they get thrown into.

Jin: Sailing, smiling about his new baby, proud as all hell of his wife, and still managing not to speak more than three words of English after all this time.

Kate: Has never handled incarceration very well, and probably won't this time either. I guess I hope Sawyer snags her, since he seems to want to, and I think they're a decent match; but it would be more entertaining if she was forced to bear the mystical superpowered child of the Scary Unseen Dharma Man or something. Chained to his side, maybe, wearing a gold bikini.

Locke: "I was wrong." Oops. Poor Locke. I doubt the writers would kill him off after the Emmy nominations Terry has earned, but I do feel sorry for him for the ridiculous mood swings they keep writing him into. He used to be reliable. Now I can't remember from one episode to another who he likes, and who he's mad at.

Michael: Low-down dirty trick he pulled, yes, but as a parent I actually did sympathize. Good drama there. Not that he and Walt will get away and go home THAT easily. Oh, no no.

Sawyer: I still don't quite know why he told Jack about Ana-Lucia, and I still think he could have found a nicer way to put it than "I screwed her." But I can't help liking him all the same. Here's hoping that someday, as they all step off the rescue boat into a California harbor, he shakes off the enamored Kate, says "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn," and saunters off. (Yes, I DID finish 'Gone with the Wind' recently. And yes, I do think they should remake it to a modern miniseries, dye Josh Holloway's hair black, and cast him as Rhett. But that's another subject entirely.)

Sayid: Sailing with the Koreans, and possibly about to rescue K, J, & S. Unless he comes to his senses and turns to Jin & Sun and says, "You know what? We could just leave. Swing the boom to starboard, my friend." However, he seems too intrigued by the four-toed statue, and will probably not be satisfied until he can land and confront the artists at gunpoint. "Your work challenges me. Explain."

Sun: With morning sickness, you don't care about much else. Poor chickie. I guess she does want to rescue Jack for OB/GYN reasons, though. That would suck, having Jack be your only choice of doctor. Time to start training Claire as a doula.

Walt: We haven't seen any cool telekinetic demonstrations in a long time. Turn that boat around and get back here and show us some!

There. What did I miss?

gone with the wind, lost

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