naill_renfro's Narnia parody, film 1

Dec 18, 2005 10:02

I still haven't seen The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, but now I don't have to, because naill_renfro has conveniently written up this condensed parody version! Go give him some applause ( Read more... )

parody by others, narnia

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Comments 6

capra_maritimus December 18 2005, 19:26:21 UTC
The parody was great! Thanks for the link. :D


sopdetly December 18 2005, 19:31:04 UTC
Excellent! Now I, too, don't have to go see it ;)


priscellie December 19 2005, 01:43:27 UTC
I'm trying to place the line "Well, okay, but you’re not going to like it." and failing. Help a fangirl out?


mollyringwraith December 19 2005, 04:24:52 UTC
Evidently Gaiman wrote a short story recently called "The Problem of Susan." I guess he finds it unfair that Lewis punishes Susan's character (later in the Chronicles) for becoming "interested in nothing but nylons and lipstick"--which Gaiman (like Philip Pullman) takes as being equivalent to sexuality. Thus Gaiman and Pullman think Lewis was kicking Susan out of Narnia because she became a woman. I haven't read the story, nor do I remember the later books of the Chronicles well enough to know how true that theory is, but it's been a point of contention recently among fantasy fans.


mollyringwraith December 19 2005, 04:25:59 UTC
Oh, also I kind of figured it was a reference to Christianity. And the fact that the Chronicles are Christian allegory has really bugged some people--mostly Pullman, but possibly also Gaiman.


pecos December 19 2005, 07:15:56 UTC
Thank you very much for the link. And here I was, the Yank, wondering why the hell Santa Claus showed up and saved the day in the big 'Christian Values' movie....


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