Fandom: Community
Title: Everything You Do is Super Duper Cute And I Can't Stand It.
Character/Pairing(s): Jeff, Annie, Jeff/Annie
Rating: PG
Summary: Stolen moments from every episode between Jeff and Annie.
Disclaimer: I sadly do not own Community.
A/N - For Applied Anthropology and Culinary Arts. Sorry for the slight delay. My busy weekend and pure laziness got in the way of writing. Also, my old computer broke so I'm on the crappy laptop with no spellcheck, so excuse any crappy spelling. Previous chapters can be found at the
Chapter Directory. Adorable
After Anthropology had ended, the group and Chang stayed behind with Shirley and Andre so they could admire little baby Ben. Even Annie managed to put aside the fact that they had other finals to attend, and enjoy the new life that had interrupted their Anthropology non-final. Shirley agreed to let everyone have a turn at holding little Ben, as long as they stayed in the classroom.
Britta and Chang were talking to Shirley and Andre, celebrating the parts they each played in Ben's birth. Jeff and Pierce were at the back of the classroom talking. And Annie and Abed were watching as Troy took his turn of holding Ben.
"He's so tiny" Troy said, poking the baby's mini afro with his finger.
Abed tilted his head, and stared at Ben with a soft expression. "He could probably play you when I make a movie about our origins" He said to Troy.
"Awesome." Troy passed the baby to Annie before high-fiving Abed, happily.
Annie grinned down at the little life in her arms. She'd never held a baby before. She used to babysit in high school but they were mostly toddlers and troublesome kindergartners. She took a seat at the nearest chair and stared down at Ben.
"Hi, Ben" She said softly to the baby.
"Hi, Annie" Jeff said, in his best baby voice, from beside her. She jumped a little, since she hadn't seen him sit beside her. He glanced to the front of the classroom at Shirley, to make sure she hadn't seen him nearly scare Annie into dropping her baby. When he saw that Shirley was talking to Troy and abed who had just joined the conversation, he relaxed.
"He's adorable isn't he?" Annie said.
"I wouldn't know, I don't describe many things with the word adorable" Jeff replied.
She gave him a pointed look.
"Fine. He's adorable" Jeff gave in with a smile. "But I'm not being schmoopy or anything. All babies are adorable" He quickly added.
"Oh, be a man for once and stop acting so macho" Annie said. She stretched the baby out to him, and Jeff reacted with a terrified expression.
"Whoa! What are you doing?" He managed to keep his voice steady, but Annie could hear the cracks. Jeff was actually scared.
"Your turn."
"You want me to hold it?"
"I want you to hold him."
"Are you sure that's safe?"
"Jeff, just take the baby!"
Jeff reluctantly obeyed, and slowly took Ben from Annie. She could see the fear behind Jeff's eyes as he stared down at the tiny person in his arms. He was freaking out, and Annie kind of loved watching it.
"What if I drop him?" Jeff asked her quietly, staring down at Ben with a mixture of fear and affection.
"You're not going to drop him" She assured him.
"How would you know? You're not a mother."
"That's what you think" She whispered.
"What?!" Jeff said sharply. He turned his head to face her so quickly that she was surprised he didn't get whiplash.
Annie giggled. "Kidding. Gees, Jeff, relax"
He let out a quick sigh of relief and turned back to Ben. "You know what, Ben?" He said to the baby. "Your aunt Annie's kind of crazy. But it's adorable."
Annie smiled. She couldn't recall a time when she'd seen Jeff so blatantly afraid, but happy too. It was a nice mix that she liked seeing on him. It gave him a vulnerable side that she found she quite enjoyed to watch. And it was nice to know that Jeff had at least one insecurity, even if it was only holding a baby.
Jeff who seemed to be a little more comfortable with the fact that he was holding a human life, held Ben with only one arm and started playing with his hands with the other.
"You know what, Ben?" Annie said. Jeff turned to look at her. "Your uncle Jeff's kind of scared of holding babies."
"But it's adorable, right?" Jeff tried to finish.
"I wouldn't know, I don't describe many things with the word adorable."
He smirked and turned back to Ben. "She's also adorable when she makes fun of me."
Annie grinned. She made a mental note to try and rope him into babysitting with her one day. She liked the terrified-yet-in-awe-of-babies version of Jeff Winger, and kind of hoped she'd get to see him again.
From the back of the room Pierce called out, "When do I get to hold it?" and Shirley decided it was best to take Ben home so the boys could see him, and the Bennetts could rest.