Chuck Ass should DIE IN A FIRE!!!!!!1

May 03, 2011 22:05

Okay I need to rant about this before I break something. So last night's Gossip kind of not the big problem here. The Chair diehards' reactions to it is. I was watching a YouTube video about last nights ep and started reading the comments, and I got so mad at the Chair fans. I saw a Chair fan talking about that scene, you know the one, and they were saying how it was both Chuck and Blair's faults. Excuse my French but, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!

I'm not going to quote the person but the basic gist of what they said was that Blair knew Chuck was drunk and upset and went to kick him when he's down, and for that reason it's partly her fault that he nearly raped her and almost physically hurt her. This persons argument was that Blair knew Chuck reacted badly when drunk and upset so Chuck wasn't entirely to blame because she shouldn't have gone over there. And I just....WHAT?!

Blair went over there because Chuck was a big part of her life. She knew he loved her, and that he cared about her, and there's no denying that there were a lot of feelings between the two of them. Their love was unfortunately real, and happened, and even if we don't like it we have to acknowledge it.
Blair went over there to tell Chuck that Louis proposed because she felt that she owed him that much, because he was such an important part of her life. In my opinion it's already more than he deserves, and if Gossip Girl was a show with good writers, Blair would never have spoken to him again. But she did, because a part of her did/still does/whatever I don't wanna think about it care about Chuck. She went there so that he wouldn't have to suffer the humiliation of finding out over the news or from Serena or Nate, even after he humiliated her. And somehow Chuck's abusive and possesive reaction was partly her fault? DOES NOT COMPUTE! He said to her "You're mine". Then tried to force her to kiss him because he believes he owns her. Then when she told him no he almost hit her, and there's a person out there arguing that this is partly Blair's fault? How can anyone like Blair as a character and see this as partly her fault? How can anyone respect her character and want her to condemn herself to such a horrific relationship?
Blair was not kicking him when he was down, she was being respectful. Far more respectful than anything he's ever done.
Also this is not when Chuck first crossed the line. Some are saying that this is ruining his character; I'm sorry, were you not there when he sold his girlfriend to his rapist uncle? Chuck was ruined a long time ago, and I have little respect for anyone who's still defending him. And this is coming from some one who's favourite character used to be Chuck, and who's OTP used to be Chair, so this isn't some hurt Dair shipper getting angry because my ship isn't working out.

Now, lets talk about another comment. This person was saying how the writers are ruining all the characters, and they have a point, but that person also said that Nate is useless and doesn't care abou his best friend. Not my Nathaniel, you bitch! He is a fucking great friend. He's stood by Chuck even though the bastard didn't deserve it, that is friendship (and stupidity). The reason Nate doesn't care about his best friend is because his best friend is an ass. If your best friend nearly hurt the person they claimed to love, would you stick around? I'm surprised Nate hasn't gotten out already. Nate stuck up for Blair (which can I just say, ABOUT FUCKING TIME SOME ONE DID), and he left Chuck because he sensed that Chuck was dangerous. What Nate did was smart, and rational, and frankly if you wouldn't have done the same in real life, than you have got some serious problems.

If you want to see a bad example of a friend, than there's no one better than Serena. I don't see why she was so bothered by the Dair kiss, seeing as they're saying it's nothing. She should trust them and accept that there's nothing going on. If there is, than fine her anger is justified, Dan is a huge part of her life. What isn't justified is ruining your best friend's happiness because of a possible relationship that isn't even going on anymore. Also, she's taking Chuck's side!? I know she sees how wrong she is in doing that, but really? Is she that dumb? Can she not see for a second how unhappy Blair was? I'm glad Blair put her in her place, because some one who feels bad for Chuck Bass after what he did has got to be the worst friend ever. Why would anyone want their best friend to suffer like that?

I just, these commenters, I don't understand their logic.

Sorry for the rant, I just got really mad at these people.

a white blank page and swelling raaaaaaa, chuck/blair, serena van der woodsen, gossip girl, nate archibald, i hope a crack in the world opens up and, blair waldorf, rant

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