30 days of TV - Day 11

Dec 09, 2010 18:10

Day 11 - A show that disappointed you

Gossip Girl.

Gossip Girl is probably the show that got me started on internet forums and fanfiction and making icons and livejournal and I guess everything fandomy. And it was so good when it started. The story arcs weren't just thrown together last minute, and people weren't hooking up with some one new every ( Read more... )

30 days of tv, gossip girl, meme

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Comments 4

fangirl_101 December 9 2010, 18:43:00 UTC
I love everything about this post. I agree wholeheartedly with you. Gossip Girl was one of my favorite shows and now I can't even watch it anymore. Season 1 was AMAZING! The story and character arcs were smart and brilliantly written. Everything about the show was clever and addictive. And then it went to crap. Which is such a disappointment. I can't even watch it regularly anymore. But every once in a while I'll catch an episode. And think: Wow, she's still acting like a frigid bitch. Hm, he's still acting like a wet blanket. Well, not much has changed. And then I'll realize there's no reason to keep watching the show.

And this--BY FAR-- was my favorite part of your highly enjoyable essay:

"And Serena lost all her purpose except for showing off her boobs."

It's equal parts hilarious and true and makes you completely awesome in my book!

(BTW, although I haven't posted on other days, I'm really enjoying your meme.)


moeexyz December 9 2010, 19:03:11 UTC
I hate when I see a season 1 episode and it's so good, and then I go back to this season and it's crap again. I really want to like this show, but it's just too horrible.

Lol, it's actually really funny. I can't remember an episode where I wasn't jealous of Blake Lively's amazing chest area. Or her super shiny hair.

Thank you.


fellowgleek December 9 2010, 22:23:16 UTC
Hi I love gossip girl and am totally addicted. I love season 4 a lot because of the recent Dan Blair ness. I loved season 3 In the beginning when they got together. Up till where chuck and valor finally get together I actually loved Nate Blair. I loved when they got back for that brief period of time. I hate jenny Nate and vanessa Nate.
Btw what is a meme?


moeexyz December 9 2010, 23:20:19 UTC
OMG, the Dan/Blair-ness has me all excited for January!

It's hard to explain. It's basically some concept like a game or a funny picture or something, that spreads around the internet and kind of becomes a trend.

I'm sorry if that makes no sense :L


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