Title: Sexual Healing (1/3)
Rating: M
Characters/Pairings: Swan Queen, Snow, David, Hook, Gold
Spoilers: OUaT 2x22
Word Count: 1.144
Summary: Regina used all her magic to the mines and is up to Emma to help her restore her power.
A/N: For
janejuly . SQ, after S2 finale. Regina is exhausted and they know the only way to restore some energy ;)They know how
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Comments 4
It was supposed to be a smutt fic, but once I started writing it it lead me to something else. Still smutt just the slow build kind.
Yeah, one of show's wtf moments this year. One minute they tell us that they (Greg and Tamara) will drain Regina's powers for ever and next minute Blue Fairy is 'lol she'll be fine'.
When to expect the pt.2?:)
But for Henry she has to try.. Of course. Because of Henry. These two are willing to do a lot things for one another "because of Henry":)))
To answer your question, later today :)
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