Challenge Response: Dean and Sam get day jobs.

May 03, 2006 17:33

I was meant to post this yesterday, but my sister said my second half needed work, so I worked on it. Then, two hours ago, I got hit with a better idea and re-wrote the whole ending, lol. Still not completely happy with the last third, but you have to take the bad with the good, I s'pose. Writing office!Dean is *so* much fun! I recommend everyone ( Read more... )

challenge response, fanfic, supernatural

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Comments 35

fadagaski May 3 2006, 14:19:21 UTC
*snort* So. Much. Love. Dean is like a fish in a very small, dried up pond. :D Sammy's hair. *giggle*


mmarinov May 4 2006, 00:05:25 UTC
Hehe, love your icon!

Yours was my first comment to my first ever humourfic, lol. So thank you for giving me a positive one ;)


fadagaski May 4 2006, 09:19:51 UTC
:D:D:D I am pleased to have been your first. *wink* *channels Dean*

You should write more comedy. MORE I TELL YOU!


mmarinov May 4 2006, 09:32:10 UTC
Hehe, the upper case letters have spoken!!


ryu_kk009 May 3 2006, 15:05:41 UTC
You've given me (at least) a month worth of laughter and pulled muscles; thank you so so so very much! Dean's quixotic fight with a photocopier I can personally empathize, but oh, he really is a Don Quixote, a knight in shining armor after his species had died and gone(or maybe a caged cheetah or a poloar bear in Thailand). Binoculars and taxman had me almost punching through the wall, flailing. The more the fuse shortens, the more need to talk the frustration out to himself. Your grasp of Dean is just amazing! I wouldn't be surprised if he became a next target...
Thank you again! On to the second part I shall go.


mmarinov May 4 2006, 00:27:52 UTC
A month of laughter and pulled muscles? Score! Lol. I loved how you described Dean, there :D And I'm so glad you found it funny and in-character (phew, wipes head). The binoculars comment of Dean's was completely random, I couldn't think of *any* other word that started with
Thanks for the comment!


wynter_rebel May 3 2006, 15:07:32 UTC


mmarinov May 4 2006, 00:28:36 UTC
I'll take that as a good reaction ;)


wynter_rebel May 4 2006, 00:37:18 UTC
Hehe, indeed. :-D


why_me_why_not May 3 2006, 15:21:36 UTC
Oh, goodness, Dean in an office is just priceless! I can totally understand the frustration with the copier; there's been a time or two when I've wanted to chuck ours at the window at work, and I don't even work in the office anymore (but I'm the only one in the entire four departments in the warehouse who knows how to work the darn thing so I always get elected to go into enemy territory to make copies).

Dean hopping up on the counter and foraging through the cabinets? I can so see that; that's very Dean. His poor coworkers. He may be charming when he wants to be, but I bet at least one of them is thinking he's a psycho killer or something.

There’s no time for jokes in Sam land That is so so true, but still hilarious!

Poor Sam's uncertainty when he goes into the warehouse; he's so adorable! And “We just like giving the newbies a hard time. We knew you were one of us the second you walked in. You have our hair.” -- too too funny. I love Sammy's hair, but yeah. Oh, Sam ( ... )


mmarinov May 4 2006, 00:43:23 UTC
Hehe! Photocopiers are the bane of *everyone's* existence. So are printers and internet connections. I've actually never worked in an office outside of work experience back in highschool, but I just took the devil's-minion-photocopier from my uni and planted it in this fic, lol. So I feel for ya!

Really glad you've enjoyed it! Humour is a hit or miss thing for me, lol. But Dean!Filing, how can that go wrong ;)

Thanks for the comment, and I'm going to friend you, if you don't mind :)


why_me_why_not May 4 2006, 05:26:50 UTC
humor is hard to write, but yeah, just the idea of Dean working in an office is hilarious. *g*

Friend away! I love friends!


el_gilliath May 3 2006, 16:19:29 UTC
*laughs* Oh lordie, Dean working in an office... Paper Jam indeed, lol.


mmarinov May 4 2006, 00:47:10 UTC
Hehe, who can resist Dean in a tie ;)


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