Challenge Response: Dean and Sam get day jobs.

May 03, 2006 17:33

I was meant to post this yesterday, but my sister said my second half needed work, so I worked on it. Then, two hours ago, I got hit with a better idea and re-wrote the whole ending, lol. Still not completely happy with the last third, but you have to take the bad with the good, I s'pose. Writing office!Dean is *so* much fun! I recommend everyone ( Read more... )

challenge response, fanfic, supernatural

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Comments 35

sdl_uncommon May 3 2006, 17:25:25 UTC
You've totally made my morning. *giggle* This kinda makes up for even the short time I've spent working in an office. Too freakin' funny. Must go read part two now.


mmarinov May 4 2006, 00:51:03 UTC
Yeah I worked in an office for a short time too - never going back! Lol. But it did give me a lot of material for this fic ;) Glad you're enjoying it!


relativity1953 May 3 2006, 17:52:12 UTC
So, either the receptionist is evil or an idiot! How could she not find the time to check Dean out? I mean, I am sure Gus, Brad, and any of her other male co-workers can not fill out a suit even half as well as the ever-sexy Mr. Winchester (um, I mean Barry) can. Not to mention, kill a tarantula with a pen.

Can't wait to see Sam's forklift, uh, prowess!


mmarinov May 4 2006, 00:53:12 UTC
Argh, you semi-guess my 'twist', lol! But I totally agree with you there, Dean is teh yummy!


a_decembrist May 5 2006, 04:20:49 UTC
Hee! Fate may hate Dean, but I think I more than make up for it with my gratuitous Dean-love (esp. after tonight's finale! *sigh*). I love the idea of Dean trapped inside his suit and then trapped inside his office building. It's like a set of extremely lovely Russian nesting dolls with a fantastic prize in the middle.

'Son of a bi...noculars!' *snort* Hilarious.


mmarinov May 5 2006, 04:23:22 UTC
Hehe, the fangirl Dean-love is so huge it would make up for *God/the universe* hating him, lol.


sacredchoice anonymous May 5 2006, 23:39:18 UTC
"'I’m in hell,' he muttered. 'This is hell, and I am in it.'"

Angel quote! I love that episode.

I loved this. So damn funny. You had me cracking up at every other paragraph.


Re: sacredchoice mmarinov May 6 2006, 09:55:35 UTC
I knew I taken that quote from somewhere!! LOL. It justsounded way too familar for me to have made it up. What ep was it from again? *tells off brain*

Glad you enjoyed :)


Re: sacredchoice anonymous May 6 2006, 14:22:12 UTC
It's from the one in season four where Angelus and Faith are on the drug trip and Angelus is forced to relive all the good stuff Angel did. It's the one where Angelus gets his soul back and turns back into Angel. Orpheus I think it was called.


jainadurron May 9 2006, 03:06:17 UTC
Brilliant! I laughed so hard.

Now to go injure myself further by reading the second half!


mmarinov May 9 2006, 03:23:28 UTC
Lol! *runs to hide behind insurance lawyer*


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