Vongola Crew Post

Feb 11, 2010 02:30



Link to history of Vongola, much has been retconned due to new players but so you get an idea: here.
This Vongola yacht is currently the sixth ship that they have owned... Hopefully it will last longer than its predecessors. The captain, captain_dame, carries Vongola ship the Fifth with him at all times in a small bottle.

Vongola Ship the Sixth

Tsuna obtained this steel yacht on a “business trip” with Reborn. It was given to him as a gift/reward after he rescued countless ships and eight kittens from a burning shipyard. It’s not as big as Vongola the Fifth, only measuring about 54.2 m long. Its cruise speed is 14 knots, and its top speed is 16.5 knots. It is designed to be flashy and grab pirates’ attention so that outlaws will be lured close and attacked by migi_te_man, new captain of the SDC.

Below is an overview of the ship, but for pictures of the rooms and short descriptions, go here.

Vongola Crew

» Tsuna (Sawada Tsunayoshi) captain_dame -- Captain, 10th Leader of Vongola family.
» Reborn chameleongun -- Hitman. Adviser and tutor to Tsuna. Gunsman. (Co-captain, whether he denies it or not.)
» Gokudera ((Smoking Bomb) Hayato Gokudera) migi_te_man -- Explosives and right-hand man. Vongola Storm Guardian, and co-pilot of the Sweet Death Submarine.
» Yamamoto rainofvongola -- Vongola Rain Guardian. Idiot. Baseball lover.
» Miranda (Miranda Lotto) time_exorcist -- Worrier.
» Allen stareye_allen -- Exorcist, hero.
» Enma ferite_rosso -- Shimon family member. Friend of Tsuna.
» Zuko emobender -- Firebender. Prince of the Fire Nation.
» Haruko swing_thebat -- "Medic" and alien. Drives a vespa. Hits people with guitars.


» Gilder roguegunman -- Second in command of the Sweet Death Submarine. Experienced captain.

Help us keep things organized!
  • Reply to this post if you’re planning on having your character join a different crew; this way we can make sure our lists are updated properly with new members. You are welcome to come and go as you please. We don’t force anyone to stay with our crew forever, and as you play the game and your character grows, you may find yourself wanting to join another crew. Go for it! We want you to have fun!
  • Let us know if we’re missing members on our list, something is spelled wrong, you want to add a new bullet point to your character’s description, there’s anything else you think we should add to this post, etc.
  • Reply to this post if you’ve recruited a new member for the crews so I can add them into the filter. Be sure they’re definitely being picked up by either the SDC or the Vongola. (Link to the SDC info b/c seriously, we swap crew mates so frequently. If you ever want to join this crew, you should read about the sub here.)
  • Comment when anything of note will be happening. This includes: fruits, visiting or leaving the ship, plotting ideas for islands to visit... really, anything involving your character and the ship, your character and the crew or anything that might concern the ship (like blowing it up).
  • Help me fill in the blanks for your characters. If they have an ability they don’t want people to know, be sure to add that it’s not to be known. I will probably revoke the unknown if everyone finds out about it, though!
Also, Please:

» Click here → ← to stalker pin this post. This will play a major role in keeping you informed on what’s going on with the ship.
» Note that the this ship sails RIGHT NEXT TO THE SUB, so it’d be good to pin that, even when plots are cross-posted to both crew posts.


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