Seriously? Seven months?

Oct 27, 2012 22:15

Greetings Flisters!

Whew. Has it really been 7!!! months since I last posted? Why, yes. Yes it has. *hangs head*

Well, apologies. I'm not as active as I so want to be on LJ. Honestly, the three job thing kind of fries my brain, but I do read everything and really look forward to seeing posts from everyone. And even if I can't comment sometimes, I ( Read more... )

skyeville, real life, personal

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Comments 9

justascrewup2 October 28 2012, 23:05:44 UTC
Nice to see an update :) I know, I never do them on my LJ, but my life is pretty boring. Work, travel when I can, internet/tv/books in my off hours. And I do update Twitter...

Would be interested in seeing what you have on tap in publishing since I know I like your stuff already. I'd say definitely put it out here and let us know. I like the 12 days of ficmas, but find it hard to keep up that time of year, so usually book mark it and read it later.

And I also am watching Arrow and liking it. Gave Elementary a one epi try, but it's got nothing on the BBC Sherlock, so I just couldn't. Also recently gave up Last Resort since I don't like military and politics in my entertainment. And still watching Revolution since I love the concept and show design, although the acting is not that great.


mlsky October 30 2012, 01:44:10 UTC
Oh, I'm so bad about tweeting. I read everyone's though. It's kind of like LJ...I look forward to seeing what everyone is doing. :)

I'm setting up WIP pages with brief log lines for all the stuff I'm currently working on. I've been thinking about doing a monthly LJ post with random passages from current manuscripts, too. Will definitely do some original for 12 Days. You can bookmark and read whenever convenient. :D

Oh...I totally didn't expect to get sucked into Arrow, but I did. Really look forward to Wednesday. :D And I couldn't even watch Elementary. Sherlock is another of my appointment shows. The writing and acting is just...gah! Sooooo good. I'm holding off on Last Resort and Revolution. I'll probably do a catch up after their full seasons air. Good to know Revolution is holding your interest. :)

Thanks for responding!


adafrog October 29 2012, 02:06:17 UTC
Definitely Arrow. Isn't it great?!
I'm a little behind on Haven, but I still like it.


mlsky October 30 2012, 01:54:13 UTC
Arrow is so great. Didn't think I'd get sucked in, but I totally did. :D

Haven is excellent, but oi...I'm kind of holding my breath to see where they go with everything. Will say no more until you catch up. :D Would love to discuss after you do. :)


adafrog November 21 2012, 02:51:40 UTC
Isn't Arrow cool? Finally caught up both on Arrow and Haven ( ... )


thrace_adams October 29 2012, 07:16:04 UTC
Oh thanks for the update! Wow you've been MASSIVELY busy! Holy crap! GAh 3 ER visits /o\ and I don't blame you, I would have trouble watching my kid play football. I'm so happy he plays soccer! Although, wow, he's on a German team over here and they are TOUGH and aggressive - he might as well be playing football and with only shin guards on /o\

I'm glad the kids are okay and that things are going so well. Anxious to check out your Pi post and your publishing post :D

I'm watching Haven, and Elementary, and a few others, Arrow is definitely a favorite.

Take care and don't be a stranger :D


mlsky October 30 2012, 02:06:35 UTC
Yeah, I would actually like to slow down a little and with the course closing that should happen. My ultimate goal is to write and edit full time. We'll see if I can make it happen. :D

Oh wow, I'll bet soccer is more aggressive in Germany. Honestly, I'm thrilled my middle kidlet loves football so much, but man, he plays defensive end and crap...they're always getting hit or hitting someone else. Makes my bones hurt to watch. LOL

I sadly couldn't give Elementary a try. I'm so enamored with BBC's Sherlock, I just couldn't do it. LOL Arrow, though. Wow. Totally didn't expect to get hooked on that one, but yeah...completely did. :D

I really do hope to post more. I miss interacting with my flisters. Thanks for responding. :D


i_am_girlfriday October 29 2012, 20:52:12 UTC
You are very inspiring! Writing while you're that busy!!!!!!!? Go you!


mlsky October 30 2012, 02:10:57 UTC
*blushes* Aw, thanks. Lately it's been a mix of random ideas for future work that sort of spew out, but at least it's writing. :D

And hey...Black Unicorn is out with the editor. Thank you so much for the inspiration!! And if you don't mind, the dedication is to you. :D I seriously can't wait to release it. :D :D


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